1st Battalion (Mechanized), 50th Infantry served in Vietnam from 22 September 1967 to 13
December 1970 in II Corps (Central Highlands), providing our combat power to major units
as and where it was most needed. At times we were attached to the 1st Cavalry Division,
4th Infantry Division, 173d Airborne Brigade and 1st Field Force Vietnam. What we did is
now history.
Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797) once noted, "History is a pact between the dead, the
living, and the yet unborn." Nothing could have been further from the mind of
a combat infantryman, fighting a daily battle against the enemy, the weather, the terrain
and, often, himself! But as Dwight Eisenhower said in his 1953 inaugural address, "History
does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
So here's our story. Like most history, ours
still lives. Many battles we fought are not yet finished.
(Loops every 2
