"D" Company men - CHECK YOUR EMAIL!

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"D" Company men - CHECK YOUR EMAIL!

Postby Jim Sheppard » Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:51 pm

I know it's silly, since most normal people will check their email if they are on their computer and looking at this board....but, from time to time...I send out a request via e-mail and get no response.

I sent an e-mail to the following men 2 days ago and have had no response:

Rigo Ordaz
Bob Gold
Mike Bennet
Dennis Driscoll
Mick Hawkins
Lou Frisbie
Russ Roth

Also...any "D" Company man I missed who was at LZ Litts on March 9th, 1968...please be in touch. I am trying to get identity confirmation on a recently received photo.
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Jim Sheppard
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Re: "D" Company men - CHECK YOUR EMAIL!

Postby Ernie Milito » Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:05 pm

Send this picture to me please, I was there.
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Re: "D" Company men - CHECK YOUR EMAIL!

Postby Russ Roth » Mon Aug 27, 2012 11:42 pm

I will send an e-mail but I did respond on FB to the post you made to Rigo.

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Re: "D" Company men - CHECK YOUR EMAIL!

Postby Jim Sheppard » Tue Aug 28, 2012 12:18 pm

Thanks for the responses! I still don't have a definate ID, but still waiting to hear from Rigo Ordaz....who I believe is "on location" shooting a movie in Texas. I did not want to prejudice the ID process by telling who the person is...but that doesn't seem important any more. Dale Rasmussen, who reports he was with "D" Company at LZ Litts, sent me photos of Joseph E Perez. It seems Rasmussen and Perez went through Basic and AIT at Fort Bliss before joing "D" Company in December of 1967. Rasmussen sent photos from a graduation album of some sort that identify Joe Perez. I am in the process of updating Perez' memorial page but wanted to make sure. However, one of the photos sent to me identifies in print: "Joseph E Perez".

At one time we were in touch with Joe Perez's brother John...but the e-mail address we had for John no longer works. John was quite adament about Joe's body never being found...a misconception, since several eyewitnesses described his demise...and related how he was burned beyond recognition. Unfortunately, John was very negative with us about this "Missing" concept....obviously still holding on to some sort of misguided hope...even after all these years. Sad.
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Re: "D" Company men - CHECK YOUR EMAIL!

Postby George Borges » Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:55 pm

Hi,Jim, I was also at LZ Litt's . I recived the two pic's of the guy's from Dco. c/o Ernie Milito I remember the first one it is Perze the other guy I don't know.Iam pretty good at remembering faces but the years are making me forget alot. Well I hope I helped??? take care George Borges
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Re: "D" Company men - CHECK YOUR EMAIL!

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:02 am

Thanks George...actually, they are both of Joseph Perez...taken at two differents times during his Basic training at Fort Bliss, Texas. I have posted one ofthe photos on his memorial page:
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