5 May - 44 years ago....

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5 May - 44 years ago....

Postby Bob Bihari » Fri May 04, 2012 7:31 am

Still a tough day to think about....

To the men of the 1/50 who gave their all at An Bao ...


They're dirty, St. Peter, they smell of sweat,
Clothes they've been wearing for weeks are wet,
With jungle mud stink and rice paddy slime.

Snipers and mortars left them no time
To shower and shave for the pass-overdue-
High command orders caught unaware too.
Now the line waits for the gate to swing wide.
Each wondering how he will fare inside.

Some smiling, some still with the same worried frown
He was wearing when death came hurtling down.
Grimy boys lined up for issue of wings
The wide gate opens, they enter like kings
St. Peter acknowledges smart salutes.
Heaven welcomes our sons in mud caked boots.

[Author Unknown]

Sleep well brothers......
Last edited by Bob Bihari on Fri May 04, 2012 3:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A Company '68. WIA An Bao

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Re: 5 May - 44 years ago....

Postby Harry Wilson » Fri May 04, 2012 2:23 pm

Gary Quint, Toby Jordan and I, with spouses, will getting together to remember 5 May 1968 and the soldiers who fell there at An Bao. We will meet for lunch on Sunday, May 6 at Noon. Feel free to call us 314-799-1843. Harry Wilson
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Re: 5 May - 44 years ago....

Postby NickB » Sat May 05, 2012 3:12 pm

Twenty-two men who gave everything ....so their fellow buddies would see The "Tomorrow" In Every Soldiers Prayer. You are not forgotten...I remember
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Re: 5 May - 44 years ago....

Postby Barbara Anne » Sat May 05, 2012 5:12 pm

My thoughts and prayers are with you all on this day ... to the families of the brave men who never came home my heart goes to you I'm so sorry for your loss .. these men live on and have touched so many lives mine included..... I have had the pleasure to talk to some of the families it is so hard not to cry I just want to hug them and tell them I'm so sorry... God Bless you all who were there May 5, 1968 ......... I'm so honored to have you all as friends.. I love you and feel your pain .... your always in my heart....

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Re: 5 May - 44 years ago....

Postby bbontemps » Sun May 06, 2012 10:20 pm

When we think back 44 years ago, we count our blessings and realize how that day changed our lives; then we see the men and women coming home from today's wars and realize ... each day of the year could be a May 5th to another combat soldier. Thanks to all of you for doing your part that day.
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