Fire fight on May 25,1968 Trinh Van Charlie Co.

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Fire fight on May 25,1968 Trinh Van Charlie Co.

Postby Jonesy » Mon Feb 27, 2012 9:25 pm

My name is Mike Jones. I was with the morter platoon Charlie Company 1st Bn (M),50th Infantry. I am looking for anyone who remembers the battle. I need to find those who might remember my shrapnel wounds. Because I was treated in the feild the medic said he would put My self and a few others in for our Purple Hearts. Since we did not medivac to a feild hospital we did not receive my purple heart. I need to hear from anyony who was there.
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Re: Fire fight on May 25,1968 Trinh Van Charlie Co.

Postby Jim Sheppard » Tue Feb 28, 2012 1:28 am

Sadly, the time to bring this up would have been before you left the 50th Infantry in Vietnam. Orders were often cut for men who never received their Purple Hearts as promised...right before they DEROSed. Sometimes the word never got back to HQ & sometimes the medics involved forgot or were wounded and evacuated before they could report. Once you leave your is nearly impossible to obtain Purple Heart General Orders if there was no mention on your medical records. Have you contacted the Personnel Records Center for a free copy of your orders? I understand you need to specifically request copies of your medical records. I believe the website is:

At this late stage, it would be like trying to find a needle in a hay stack to be able to substantiate a Purple Heart claim. Your best bet would be if a visible wound is still evident. Try contacting anyone who lists 4th Platoon, Charlie Company on the e-mail page. Al Smith comes to mind...but I think he was evacuated after May 5th.
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Re: Fire fight on May 25,1968 Trinh Van Charlie Co.

Postby Jonesy » Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:09 pm

In 0ct 1977 I got my medical records Showing I had surgery on my right hand to try and remove a peice of shrapnal. In 1978 I went the VA Hospital in Spokane WA. were they finely removed it. I have all the records showing these surgerys. In 1984 I submitted all the information threw Thomas Fole then Congress man from Washington State. Thank you for response. Jonesy
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Re: Fire fight on May 25,1968 Trinh Van Charlie Co.

Postby Jim Sheppard » Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:19 pm

Sorry, I misunderstood...thought you were trying to get Purple Heart. Sounds like you were way ahead of me. You should know that most of our members do not read the Message board on a regular getting a response may take time. Reunions are usually the best place to find guys who were at specific battles. You might try contacting Harry Wilson...former Platoon Leader for the third platoon. I think it was his last month in the field, but am pretty sure he was there.

Although I was not there, as your historian, I have studied the battle. Most accounts seem to think you were engaged with one or two Battalions of NVA...unit unknown...but most likely replacements being sent to elements of the 3rd NVA Division in the area. I suspect a combination of local forces and replacements. In my opinion, the 50th was very fortunate to have lost only two men KIA in this battle...The FO with "B" Company , 2LT Monaghan, and a man from "C" Company, Danny Hoskins, whose Platoon is unknown. If anyone can tell me which paltoon Hoskins was in, it would be appreciated.
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Re: Fire fight on May 25,1968 Trinh Van Charlie Co.

Postby Jonesy » Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:01 pm

Maybe I was not clear I am trying to get my Purple Heart. All that I did with Congress Man Thomas Foley was turned down. So I am still trying to get what deserve. Thank You

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Re: Fire fight on May 25,1968 Trinh Van Charlie Co.

Postby Jim Sheppard » Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:59 pm

I suppose your last hope would be to try again. Times and proceedures change. Hopefully your Congressman has been replaced as well. Maybe a fresh effort 28 years later might work. I know the VA, while still not perfect, has "softened" a LOT lately. Although it's not the VA who is the authority in the case of Awards...we did have an award approved for our Jay Copley last there might still be hope. If you still have the same Congressman...I would consult with the DAV over alternative methods on how to proceed...since the Congressman will likely blow you off.

A last resort would be to consult with an attorney and possibly see if you can get a local newspaper or TV station to "pick up your cause". Nothing stirs politicians like a media flash!...and Uncle Sam is trying to clean up his image in the treatment of Vietnam Veterans....since we are now all dropping dead! ~grin~

Were you given a reason why the award was not approved? Something doesn't sound right.
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Re: Fire fight on May 25,1968 Trinh Van Charlie Co.

Postby Jonesy » Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:13 pm

Yes the reason was that I had to be treated at the feild hospital, that a medic could not turn you in for a medal.
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Re: Fire fight on May 25,1968 Trinh Van Charlie Co.

Postby bbontemps » Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:25 am

Jim, Thanks for helping Mike. Jonsey and I were together on May 25 - 4th platoon, "C" Co. He had dismounted and was walking toward the creek bed/ tree line when our APC took a B-40 hit. Steve Dennis was the driver, and he and I were on board. Fortunately the round hit low in the engine compartment and exited out the bottom. Sure did shake us up! Anyway, I told Jonsey I do not remember him being hit, but glad you were able to give him some advice. Even if I had remembered, a letter from a fellow soldier probably wouldn't do much good at this late date. Hope his congressman will help. Incidently, Mike is the guy I photographed as a silhouette against a cloudy sky. He is standing and aiming his grenade launcher. This photo is with my group of B&W shots.
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Re: Fire fight on May 25,1968 Trinh Van Charlie Co.

Postby Jim Sheppard » Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:03 pm

Thanks Bill. Photo below:
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Re: Fire fight on May 25,1968 Trinh Van Charlie Co.

Postby Harry Wilson » Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:53 pm

Jonesy, If my memory is right, the only way you can correct the problem with the Purple Heart award failure is to go through your congressman. The procedure to follow is outlined in 10 United States Code Section 1130. You may also need a DA Form 638, Recommendation for an Award. The presentation to the congressman should be detailed and have as much support in the form of statements, after action reports and the like as possible. It looks like Bill Bontemps has got you started (Hi, Bill). There is an After Action Report on that battle prepared by Dick Guthrie. Jim Sheppard has a copy on one of his CDs. Next, I would get your medical records from the Army via the Freedom of Information Act. Its easy. It should show the fact of being wounded on that day and all of the outline of treatment. Be prepared for a fair amount of work and be ready to wait a long time. The C Company Commander at that time was John Martin, who I occasionally correspond with. I was the Company XO at that point as I recall.

I was also there on May 25, 1968. You can read my account of that day in War Stories on this website. Its number 65 as I recall and Trinh Van is covered under my account of An Bao.

Bill, I didn't know that you are the one who took that photo. Great shot!
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Re: Fire fight on May 25,1968 Trinh Van Charlie Co.

Postby Harry Wilson » Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:59 pm

Mike, Correction. It is War Story number 67.
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Re: Fire fight on May 25,1968 Trinh Van Charlie Co.

Postby Jonesy » Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:23 pm

Jonesy here,thank you for your response. I have trying to find your war story 67 and have no luck finding it. If you could send the link to the story I would love to read it. Thanks again.
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Re: Fire fight on May 25,1968 Trinh Van Charlie Co.

Postby Jim Sheppard » Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:43 pm

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Re: Fire fight on May 25,1968 Trinh Van Charlie Co.

Postby Jonesy » Thu May 31, 2012 2:42 pm

Still looking for medic with us on May 25th. Also our platoon leader. Thank You for reading this.
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Re: Fire fight on May 25,1968 Trinh Van Charlie Co.

Postby Jim Sheppard » Thu May 31, 2012 6:46 pm

Harry Wilson may be able to tell you who the weapons platoon leader was for Charlie Company in late may. 1LT Stephen Spell came on board on July 13th, but I have no officer's roster immediately before that.
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Re: Fire fight on May 25,1968 Trinh Van Charlie Co.

Postby Harry Wilson » Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:48 pm

On May 25, 1968, Charlie Company was greatly diminished in soldiers due to casualties in prior firefights and battles, particularly An Bao. John Martin was the Company CO and I was the XO, with both of us serving in the field. We were then the only officers in the company. The company was down to 50-60 troopers. The weapons platoon leader was an NCO, but I don't remember who. Try Bill Bontemps. He may remember. Spell came around much later and wasn't there long. That's an unpleasant story.
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Re: Fire fight on May 25,1968 Trinh Van Charlie Co.

Postby bbontemps » Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:25 pm

Hey Jonsey,
May 25 was about my second or thrid day back from the hospital, and I can't recal many names. I'll send an email to Steve Dennis over in Indiana. He was there, so I'll see if he has a better memory.
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Re: Fire fight on May 25,1968 Trinh Van Charlie Co.

Postby bbontemps » Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:34 pm

I don't have email addresses, but here are phone numbers:
Steve Dennis: 317-658-6259
Dean Spooner: 619-549-2002

Dean likes to talk but does not do emails, so give him a call. Dean is in California; Steve in Indiana, I believe Central time.
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