Ray Sarlin e-mail "Phishing" attempt

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Ray Sarlin e-mail "Phishing" attempt

Postby Jim Sheppard » Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:11 pm

Got a note today from one of our membership that he received a "phishing" attempt from a Ray Sarlin e-mail address. Apparently Ray's Address book has been hacked...although I did not receive the same message...possibly some of you have.

It's an old attempt...that's been circulating for quite a while. The message states that the person is away on vacation...usually the United Kingdom...and has somehow lost all their money. They request you copntact them and/or send money to help them get home. It did not fool me the first time I got it....as anyone with a spect of common sense knows not to ask for money via e-mail.

If you have received this message, disregard (delete) it.
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Jim Sheppard
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Re: Ray Sarlin e-mail "Phishing" attempt

Postby kenr17331 » Wed Feb 08, 2012 2:28 pm


I also received a letter describing how terrible Ray's life would be if I did not immediately send money - course, I didn't even get to read half the sob story before my "delete" button fired into operation. I must say Mission Accomplished with minamal fanfare!

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Re: Ray Sarlin e-mail "Phishing" attempt

Postby Randy Smith » Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:39 pm

Hey Jim, I also received the message and checked here to see if there was any discussion about it. Guess I just wanted to be sure that we didn't have a brother in need. Thanks for the info and I am going to delete it also.
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Re: Ray Sarlin e-mail "Phishing" attempt

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat Feb 11, 2012 2:08 am

It appears as though Ray decided to keep you and Ken Riley in his new e-mail address book. (I'm sure there are others who didn't post here)

I was not honored, apparently, since I did not get the scam letter.

I wonder if ANYONE has heard from him at all since he sent in that information about his son to the Newsletter? That had to be 3 or 4 years back? It's now nearly 7 years since we had to take over the web site. I heard from him once since then...and blasted him. Kinda wish I hadn't...but it really pissed me off the way he just bailed on us and he had the nerve to accuse me of WANTING to run the website! Sorry...I am venting I guess. The work I could have been doing in Research I may never get done because of all the extensive hours I have to spend on the site...although it's mostly the memorial pages...and I would have wanted to have a large hand in that anyway. I keep thinking maybe he'll come back to us if he ever really retires and gets bored. I am told by others this likely won't happen. I would love to have him back...but would never submit to him having exclusive access to the site again. I'm thinking strictly about how great a website we could have if the two of us cooperated. Just a dream I guess.
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Jim Sheppard
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