Rock Apes

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Rock Apes

Postby David Price » Sun Jan 15, 2012 11:07 pm

It's quite possible i'm insane but I don't think so. I was with the 1st 50th in 1969-1970 and was in the Le Hong Phong forest, when at night, we encountereed some sort of apes. We called them Rock apes. I went on Google today and they act like it was some Bigfoot conspiracy as if they didn't exist. As I recall they were 3 to 4 foot tall (hardly a bigfoot) for the past 40 some years I thought they were some sort of an orangutan or some such.
Did any of you encounter any of these, or is this something of my imagination?

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Re: Rock Apes

Postby Jim Sheppard » Mon Jan 16, 2012 2:00 am

"Rock Apes" were seen in various settings...usually in deep jungle encounters. They were similar to Orangutans...but not a close resemblance. Their hair was thinner than "normal" apes. It is likely they were (or may still exist) a rare breed...not well known. I just read an account in one of Gary Linderer's books about LRRPs. I recall reading other accounts similar to Linderers and yours Dave. (NOTE ADDED LATER: I must correct my one author was not Linderer who saw the apes...but Kregg Jorgenson of the 1st Cav LRRPs. Like many of the Vietnam books in my now extensive (nearly 400 books) collection, he does not have an index in the I could not find the story. The book title is "The Ghosts of the Highlands".
They were not tall, nor were they "big-foot" like..actually more like humans than apes...walking more erect....which was probably their most amazing characteristic.
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Re: Rock Apes

Postby bongson » Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:09 am

While on a night ambush with the SRAP Plt. just outside of An Khe, we set up under a group of trees. Just before dawn, a rock ape leaped out of a tree and landed on top of Plt. Sgt. Holloway. The combined sound of the ape and Sgt. Holloway screeching was something out of a Hollywood horror movie. They both took off running in different directions. He was a little shook up(as we all were), and embarassed that he ran. When the ape landed on him he got seperated from his rifle, and thought he was being attacked by a tiger. SFC Holloway was the finest combat leader I had the privlidge to serve under. Afterwards, we used to kid him that he wasn't afraid of enemy soldiers, but those Viet Cong monkeys worry him some.

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Re: Rock Apes

Postby David Price » Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:29 pm

Whew!!! Both myself and the late Richard Worm both had small encounters with them. Yesterday I decided to look them up on Google and it made it seem as if they didn't exist. If I was still drinking and smoking I guess I could attribute it to something other than reality .
David Price
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Re: Rock Apes

Postby harley hawkins » Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:06 pm

never seen any apes. Seen a lot of monkeys in the jungle and uplands. most were small . Seen what the kid carson called a deer a small animal with small spikes. On guard duty I seen big foots,
large creatures of all kind. Kept you awake trying to figure out what all that shit was you were seeing in the night scope. Most the time it was trees , brushs, ant hills,

Take care

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Re: Rock Apes

Postby catainjr » Wed Nov 13, 2013 10:51 pm

jR DACus 22/squad 1st 50th feb 70 to nov 70 don't know what the correct word for them is but we obwserved 5 or 6 hugh apes swingining thru the tops on bamboo in central highland mountains out from phan teit I followed them thru the tree with my m60 if one had dropped down it was going to be history
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