Looking for details for Danny "Bo" Walter

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Looking for details for Danny "Bo" Walter

Postby jaccip » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:42 pm

I am the youngest daughter of Danny "Bo" Charles Walter who was in the 1st infantry, 50th mech battalion. I am attempting to find some information on some absent detail, as he was injured when the LV ran over an enemy mine. Anyone that can help, I would greatly appreciate it.
Here is what I know, he had a best friend Lindsey, he was in Longbin, or Lonbin (sounds like) when the LV blew up. The Master Commander or Sgt's name was Isabel (guy.)
He was sent to Tokyo before being shipped home with a shattered ear drop, broken collar bone, fractured spine and bruised. He has ALWAYS wondered what happen to the people in the jeep and his friends. He thinks about Lindsey alot and prays he made it through and is living well. He was never given the proper medals/awards and all of his belongings back as he had a lengthy recovering. I was able to get a lot of awards and medals, some are stil questionable, but the details of others I have never been able to find. you can post back, email me at jacciwalter@yahoo.com or let me know and I will call you. I would LOVE to give this information to him!
Thank you!
Jacci (Walter) Piper
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Re: More Details for Bo Walter

Postby jaccip » Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:55 pm

SP4 Danny Charles “Bo” Walter
1st Battalion (Mechanized), 50th Infantry
Binh Dinh Province
May 15, 1969 - February 23, 1970

He was stationed at Phan Thiet as part of the US Army Training Command (ARMOR) and was sent to Forward Operating Base "LZ UPLIFT" as part of the 1st Battalion of the 50th Mechanized Infantry Division. They were sent to LZ Uplift, which was in the Kontum Province that was under the command of the 173rd Airborne.

While at LZ Uplift, him and 2 guys were sent back to Phan Thiet to pick up LZ. The 2 officers went into a station while my father slept in the jeep. Three hours later he woke up to the officers driving in the latter part of dusk, which was apparently not supposed to happen.. Just over half-way, near Cam Ranh...they hit a mine and the jeep blew. He was choppered out to a hospital in Long Binh on 23 January 1970, then on to Tokyo and then to Walter Reed. He suffered a shatter ear drum, broken color bone etc.

With his injuries and the actions that all took place, his recollection of the events are very foggy. He has spent a lifetime wondering what happen that night. The warrant officer driving he has heard was killed, and the other he has heard he was killed and he also heard he lost his legs. He knows the one’s name was Izbell or Isbel, and he has never been able to find him on the Vietnam Wall.

He had two gentleman who, as he described, were like brothers to him, Buddy and Lindsey. I have search LONG hours for a Lindsey (assuming this is the last name) who served, and there I cannot find anyone matching his group with this name on the casualty list, which is a good sign. We have pictures of these gentleman and names listed above.

My father had no sons, only us girls (3.) He now has 3 grandsons, all named after him in some way. Since he was never given his belongings or his proper departure (awards, etc) we have arranged for a gentleman to serve his in January with his flag, awards, badges, and his purple heat he never realized he had. They have shadow boxed it and it lists everything he worked for and was never honored for.

However, those material things do not have a leg to stand on, if he still has such a wonder o his fellow men. I am so grateful for all of you men, and am so blessed to have my father as one if you. The things you have endured will never be understood by my generation or the future generations. Your acts of kindness and courage should be held with the utmost respect.

Anyone, with any information, great or small, names of others that may know, missing details, anything at all is gratefully appreciated. You would be amazed what little information can get me!

Thank you all, and I believe a good vet always says “welcome home!”

Jacci Piper
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Re: Looking for details for Danny "Bo" Walter

Postby Jim Sheppard » Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:09 pm

I wish you luck...but I currently have nothing in the way of a roster for HHC for the period in question.

You should know you have some facts distorted: It's the 1st Battalion (Mechanized), 50th Infantry (Regiment....NOT Division). LZ Uplift was located between Phu My and Bong Son in Binh Dinh Province....NOT Kontum Province. The 50th LEFT LZ Uplift on August 31st, 1969 and did not return. We have the complete list of men killed in action from the 1st of the 50th...and there were NO Warrant Officers Killed from our unit. In fact, there were no Officers Killed in 1970...the likely time of the land mine incident.

I strongly suggest you visit the idea of obtaining Danny Walter's personel records. Visit this web page: http://www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records/ This may help clear up exactly what unit or units were involved. I believe Walter may have been either "in-transit" after the 50th was returned stateside, or had been transferred to another unit.
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Re: Looking for details for Danny "Bo" Walter

Postby LonnieA » Sat Dec 17, 2011 10:39 am

Mr. Sheppard,

I am Jacci's cousin and she has asked me to help, as she doesn't speak the language that well. Neither do I, really...but I will try a little.

My uncle was in Vietnam from 15 May 1969 - 23 Feb 1970 as part of the 1/50th and located near LZ Uplift. He was in a jeep accident that hit a mine I believe near Cam Ranh around 20 January 1970. I think there were 3 people in the jeep, and the driver may have been killed, and may have been a warrant officer, but not sure of any of that.

Where did the unit go after it left Binh Dinh province? We are trying to piece together the story without talking to our uncle. Jacci is trying to surprise him with a shadow box, and we are limited on information without him being involved. We have his DD-214, a few pictures of his uniform and a map that shows where he was. The map isn't dated, so we believe he went from LZ Uplift to maybe Phan Thiet? He has some things written down on the map, indicating places he had been too-we just can't correlate dates. All we know for dates was he got to the unit in May 1969, was at LZ Uplift and was in the Hospital in Long Binh on 23 Jan 1970 and flown to Tokyo hospital on 23 February, but piecing together when he was where is limited by no other dates.

The places he has circled on the map are LZ Uplift, Phan Thiet, Bao Loc, Bien Hoa and Long Binh. He has Cam Ranh underlined and "Hit" written down. And next to Long Binh he has "Hospital" written down.

I hope we aren't bothering you or anyone else who may have information that helps this make a little more sense. We really do appreciate your time, and thank all of you for your service and sacrifice!

Also, I am a Commander in the Navy-so my language is not quite Army. What does HHC stand for?

Thank you
Lonnie Appleget
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Re: Looking for details for Danny "Bo" Walter

Postby LonnieA » Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:06 am

Forgot to add...what we really are trying to do for now is find out as much as we can, but at a minimum...what we need to build a shadowbox. Specifically, what unit patches would be fitting for the shadow box. We think the 173rd patch, and an Armored Division patch, but not sure which one? Also-would it be correct to include the First Field Force Patch? We see these patches in various pictures, but aren't sure what is acceptable to include in his case.

We have his medals, and his rank and all of that...just not sure about when he was stationed at places, and what units he belonged to.

Thanks again if anyone has anything to assist us in this.
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Re: Looking for details for Danny "Bo" Walter

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:41 am

The 1st Battalion (Mechanized), 50th Infantry was an "Unassigned Battalion"...attached(Temporary Assignment) to the 173rd Airborne Brigade in various locations in Binh Dinh Province until September 1, 1969, when it was then attached(Temporary Assignment) to the 1st Field Force Vietnam command located at LZ Betty near Phan Thiet in Binh Thuan Province. Use the 173rd Airbporne Brigade Patch and IFFV patch for his shadowbox. You should also use the 50th Infantry Regimental Crest. Images for all of these are plentiful on the website.

Again: LZ Uplift: Until September 1, 1969...then LZ Betty (In Phan Thiet) from September 1st, 1969 on. I can not confirm...other than whoever sent me his photos for his photo album on our website told me he was with Headquarters Company of the Battalion(HHC). I have no idea what happened to him..other than what you-all are telling me. Whoever he was with & subsequently killed WERE NOT from our unit. All I would be able to offer would be "Suppositions" and "Assumptions"...of which there could be many. IF he was pressed into duty....say driving the jeep with these two warrant officers...to somewhere unknown...and in the process they hit a land mine...he could have been flown to Long Binh for medical aid...then on to a major hospital in (Most Likely) Japan? I emphasize that the Warrant Officers were NOT part of the 50th Infantry....but could have been part of a unit that worked closely with the 50th....ALL THIS IS SUPPOSITION. Only Danny could clear this up if he knows these details. It sounds to me as though he does not know the precise details...only bits and pieces.

No one seems to know him...at least those who are monitoring this website board. Being with Headquarters Company, he could have had an obscure duty where he would not have known a lot of people. Check his DD214 for his Military Occupational Specialty...or scan the DD214 and send me a copy (kiss-ac@juno.com).

For the Shadowbox, it appears you now have all the information you need on Unit Affiliation. Unfortunately, the chances of finding his old buddies is nearly impossible. We have a hard enough time finding people when we actually know their full names. The chances we could find anyone based on the information you provide on these men would be about zero, based on currently available documentation.
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Re: Looking for details for Danny "Bo" Walter

Postby jaccip » Sat Dec 17, 2011 6:47 pm

Gentleman. I really do appreciate anythign provided. I was able to go thru some more photos. I do know this, The "Lindsey" in question is Paul Lindsey, and I have pictures. He was from southern Kentucky. "Buddy" still unaware of his last name, was from Dalton GA, and yes, I have his pictures. He also has a picutre that says, Paul, Lindsey, Ron Krumel (Not sure about spelling) and me. Then there is another picture, that is extremely dark that says, July 18, 1969, me and Sgt AJ Cowart, the asst Commo Chief. I found a letter he had written to his mom, but it wass very fragile and water stained, but it did say something about they were moved around a lot where ever they were needed. There is a gentleman by the name of Gene Mihm, who was not in his division, but was from our home town here in Celina Oh, that spent two weeks of R&R at my dads camp. I have sent him and email to see what he can tell me if anything. I will keep you posted. Thanks so much and if any of this is helpful, fantastic, but it may not be. Lonnie, thanks so much for helping me, you're right I do not know the language, but am willling to jump a hurdle needed to!
Thanks again,
Jacci Walter-Piper
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Re: Looking for details for Danny "Bo" Walter

Postby LonnieA » Sat Dec 17, 2011 7:17 pm

Jim, that information is great. Thanks. I am stationed near Ft Belvoir, so all of those patches are available on post. I just wasn't sure which ones were appropriate or not. Once we give it to him, we can fix any mistakes as well.

Jacci, you are doing great. Your dad will be so proud of what you have done! Not bad for a Celina girl!!!
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