The Citadel

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The Citadel

Postby Rick Hambley » Sun May 08, 2011 8:20 pm

My youngest son Jason, graduated from "The Citadel" this weekend. We are all very proud of him and had a nice family reunion in Charleston SC to celebrate his accomplishment.
Rick Hambley
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Posts: 5
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Re: The Citadel

Postby bongson » Mon May 09, 2011 11:16 am

Congratulations. Good job guy. My best wishes for the future to your son, and all your family.
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Re: The Citadel

Postby Rick Hambley » Mon May 09, 2011 11:47 pm

Thanks Jack.....we are all very proud of him. If you have never seen "The Citadel", it a very impressive military school/fortress sitting just outside of downtown Charleston complete with parade fields and military hardware everywhere. As "Nobs" (freshmen) the cadets are required to run everywhere between classes etc. No walking! They must run only in the gutter, not on the sidewalk, and when it rains they have to shine their shoes between each class because of this. It is a tough program, but instills a great deal of pride, integrity and inner strength in the cadets. The honor code is iron clad and many cadets have been sent home in their third or even fourth year for violating it.
Regards, Rick
Rick Hambley
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