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Postby pcfrmr » Sun May 01, 2011 9:47 am

I spoke to a few people at the reunion about a poem titled "Whit Wall". It was written by Rod McQueary. Put his name into a search engine and you should find his poetry. I think "White Wall" is worth contemplating by us. Bob Wuestenberg
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Re: Poem

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sun May 01, 2011 10:35 am

White Wall, by Rod McQueary

There ought to be another wall
White, bright, pretty
In a grove of trees
with picnic tables,
dance floor, and a
Viet Vet ragtime band.

A happy place where
Folks could go to laugh
and dance and argue
Football teams and candidates.

On the White Wall, there would be
A tremendous list of those
Who didn't die.
Behind each name a little heart... for a fulfilling marriage
A little happy face... for a well-adjusted child,
A little diploma... for a valuable education,
A rewarding life.

Everyone is welcome here,
To cool drinks, rummy games,
To meet interesting people who
Talk, laugh, have fun, wander off.

To celebrate our survivorhood.

Not mourn our stolen martyrdom.
There are some who will
Have to be shown
The White Wall.
Taken to their own name and told
"There, by God, is proof."
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Jim Sheppard
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Re: Poem - Post Reunion Thoughts by your historian

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sun May 01, 2011 10:43 am

I have often swelled with pride when I see our group gather every so often.

We see a different picture than the stereotyped "Vietnam Veteran" so often denigrated in the press back in the years during and after our war.

I see those successful lives…now embracing retirement years…with fruitful careers and bulging family trees full of wonderful experiences in a life following our combat experiences.

I am often overwhelmed with humility for a Loving God who has so abundantly blessed us all…and I am proud to know each and every one of you.
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Re: Poem

Postby pcfrmr » Mon May 02, 2011 11:28 am

I am REALLY proud to be part of such a fine group of people as I met in GA last week. Thank you for making me so welcome. Salutations to the organizers. I will be back. Having met only James Fitzgerald prior to last week, I found that our connection grows stronger and many new ones were begun. I do not play games well but I will join you to "Play the Game". GOMF, Bob Wuestenberg
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