Norm Poage

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Norm Poage

Postby Jim Sheppard » Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:12 pm

I just received word from Christine Poage that Norm passed away peacefully and without pain at home at around 7 PM on Christmas Eve.

Plans are for cremation with a service and burial to be determined at a later date. Christine will coordinate with Harry Wilson for any memorial events and we will post the details here.

Norm was my Squad Leader when I spent my time as an 11-Bravo with the 1st Squad of the 3rd Platoon of Charlie Company from September until early December of 1967.

I will always remember Norm for having prevented me from walking into a camouflaged Burmese Tiger Pit. He was the "ultimate" NCO...having the right amount of charisma...yet never condescending to those he commanded. He had the respect of not only his Squad, but the Platoon and all of Charlie Company as well as the Battalion Command group. Norm was awarded a direct Commission to 2nd Lieutenant before tripping a "Bouncing Betty" land mine and suffering severe wounds...loosing his left arm.

Christine is in the initial planning stages and could not even offer a suggestion for donations. She did express a desire that Flowers NOT be sent at this time, although cards and letters might help the family...which knows very little about Norm's Vietnam experiences. The address is: Christine Poage, 2404 Beaver Send, Plano, Texas 75025. Christine's e-mail is CGPoage at (Entered in this fashion to prevent robotic copy of the e-mail. Substitute a @ for the "at" & eliminate the spaces)

Norm's photo (Taken by me) in the fall of 1967 back at LZ Uplift for a breather:

The Vietnam war is finally over for Norm. May God have mercy on his soul...Norm has already spent his time in Hell.
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Jim Sheppard
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Re: Norm Poage

Postby kenr17331 » Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:25 pm

Extremly sorry to hear that - Norm was a dear friend and one of the first guys from our outfit I had met. He made trips to Washington DC several times a year, back during the late 1990's and I made sure I drove down to meet him every chance I had. He was actually the first to set up our original website. I can assure you he will be greatly missed by me! Great all around guy!


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