S.Sgt. George Bell 67-68

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S.Sgt. George Bell 67-68

Postby George Borges » Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:08 am

Ggntelemen, I recived some bad news yesterday, from Bob Gold about S.Sgt.George Bell 67-68 Dco. morter plt. George had passed last month. Mrs. Bell could not inform anyone untill she found Bob Gold's phone number. Bob has tryed to call everyone that knew Sgt. Bell. May we all say a prayer for a good man and warrior. God Bless you and keep you in our hearts and minds. Play The Game LOL
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Re: S.Sgt. George Bell 67-68

Postby Jim Sheppard » Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:58 am

I have posted an Obituary for George Bell: http://www.ichiban1.org/pdf/Obituary/BellObit.pdf
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Re: S.Sgt. George Bell 67-68

Postby harley hawkins » Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:02 pm

I'm very sad to hear of the death of Geo. Bell. I'm very pleased I went to the last reunion and got to meet his wife Merita. Geo was one of the four squad leaders we had at Fort Hood for training then went to Nam with us.
Larry Curtis, Dan Higgans, James O,Connor, and Geo. Bell. We had great repect for them all.
Geo. and I shared many stories at the reunion.
May God bless and be with his family.

Harley Mick Hawkins
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Re: S.Sgt. George Bell 67-68

Postby pt9243 » Sat Nov 13, 2010 10:47 am

Although I wasn't with the weapons platoon I remember George very well. I could tell the men respected and were loyal to him. Not just a soldier but a leader.

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