Tom Clark

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Tom Clark

Postby jamesdacus » Sat Nov 06, 2010 1:06 pm

Barbra Ann Hey Igot ur e-maill and when i thought i was punching reply i punched delete but had read themessage before i did so,* Tom
Clark was 6ft 3 inhces tall was married to a girl named Mirame or sometihg like that I have lots of pictures of Tommy he was from Gainsville Florida and played Basketball inscool and as I remeber his wife did too and she was 6ft tall, Tom was grenader when I got there and we were bothin the same squad I carry the m-60 right behind him, funny story Tommy went out to assemble claymoore mechanical ambus and whenhe klicked hsi sippo light a gook opened fire on him he was scared stupid, I had avised him against going out and setting those things up,lol if u want to knw anymore I can help 901 494 8010 he helped put me on the dustoff to Cam Rahn he for some reson wasnt out with us the night we got all shot up JR
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