Gathering at Gettysburg

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Gathering at Gettysburg

Postby kenr17331 » Fri Aug 13, 2010 5:50 pm

Welcome Home Brothers! Just a short note to let you know that there are only a few rooms available and the cut-off date to register at the hotel is only a few days away. If you plan to attend and have not booked a room, please do so this next week; no rooms at this rate will be available after the next week or two. Anyone who has not sent their registration form to me, please do so now, so I make sure there is enough food and bus seats for everyone.

Thanks and see you in Gettysburg in a few weeks - :D


Ken Riley
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Re: Gathering at Gettysburg

Postby Jim Sheppard » Mon Sep 27, 2010 3:39 pm

I'm set to head to Gettysburg on Thursday Afternoon. I have no idea who might be there other than Ken...maybe people can post here who are going? I have made a nice framed display of the memorial pages of our KIA, Butch Burns, for the gathering. Butch was killed on Feb 6th,1968 while with the 3rd platoon of "B" Company. Butch is burried at Gettysburg National Cemetery.
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Re: Gathering at Gettysburg

Postby pt9243 » Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:18 pm

My wife, Marie, and I are planning to attend. See ya there!! Pete Tovar
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Re: Gathering at Gettysburg

Postby Tom Knepp » Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:28 pm

I will be there Tom
Tom Knepp
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