Change of Command Ceremony

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Change of Command Ceremony

Postby Jim Sheppard » Tue Jun 01, 2010 1:29 pm

I am curious to see who will attend the Change of Command Ceremony in two weeks. I will be well as Dick Guthrie and John Topper. I expect Jay Copley will be in attendance as well. Anyone else??? As John Topper has circulated, Michelle Spivey has set up a special rate at the Holiday Inn Express..."Columbus at Northlake" property. Contact me for specifics if you do not have them.
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Re: Change of Command Ceremony

Postby tjordan » Tue Jun 01, 2010 5:13 pm

Jim, I will be in attendence for the change of Command along with my brother-in-law who was at the last reunion with me and also a friend who is a Missouri state Rep. and a Nam veteran. We willbe at UCHEE camp grounds. we're making a road trip out of the ceremony ending up at the camp grounds. See you there. Toby. P.S. I hope I spelled the camp ground correctly.
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