Memories of May, from Donald Lowe's brother

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Memories of May, from Donald Lowe's brother

Postby snodinak » Mon May 10, 2010 1:19 am

(This is dedicated to my Mom for Mother's Day and her genuine and sincere love,
my brother Donald E Lowe, KIA in Vietnam 5 May 1968,
and my dad who died when I was 13 and Don was only 12, on 11 May 1959)

May Memories

My thoughts go back to May and the year of sixty eight.
Mom waited for Mother’s Day and her turn to celebrate.
Like most moms, she foresaw being honored on that date.

Three grown sons would always make this her special day.
But this year was different; two were stationed far away.
One was in a place called Vietnam, serving for the U.S.A.

Little did she know that month as she received a knock,
from those two soldiers who pulled up to our front walk,
that her youngest would never be returning to the flock.

The end of that May, I knew in a more sympathetic way,
the absolute meaning of why we celebrate Memorial Day.
That year mom gave up more than she should have to pay.

Times were hard on her, but I never heard her ask why.
“God, why’d you take my son, and why’d you let him die?”
She knew God also gave His son; still she would daily cry.

Today she’s in Heaven where there’s only peace, not war.
And when she arrived, she was greeted at the open door
by a husband and a son who had gone there years before.

This May, as each one before, I’ve a brother to think of;
a dad who in May fifty nine went to his new home above,
and memories of a mother's genuine and non-ending love.

Bill Lowe, Sterling Alaska
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Re: Memories of May, from Donald Lowe's brother

Postby Randy Smith » Thu May 13, 2010 1:30 pm

Very Special, Bill.
Randy Smith
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Re: Memories of May, from Donald Lowe's brother

Postby pcfrmr » Fri May 14, 2010 11:38 am

Hi Bill, The mention of Doc James in your earlier reply and this poem prompts me to add here. James saved my life about 6 weeks before we lost Don. My Dad dies when I was 13 also. I have a son stationed in AK at Fort Wainwright. It would be great to meet you when I am in AK. Your loss is shared by many. GOMF, Bob Wuestenberg
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Re: Memories of May, from Donald Lowe's brother

Postby snodinak » Sat May 15, 2010 8:18 pm

Randy, thanks for your kind words of appreciation. You and your service is appreciated by myself and my wife. She also lost a brother in Vietnam and we both are in strong support of our Military Men/Women and their families, both those who have served and those who serve today.

Bob, I would love to meet up with you and your wife also if she comes along with you. You're also welcome to bring your son. I am at the other end of Alaska, kind of. I live past Anchorage on the Kenai Peninsula in Sterling, just before Soldotna. I'm right on the Kenai River and the fishing is often the best in the world. If you get close, please call or stop by. I will have one of my grandsons up here all summer and then I will be heading out to Washington State to see more family in mid August, but don't let that stop you from calling or coming by. I can be reached at (907) 262-7978 or emailed at Please call or drop a line.
James and I have a great relationship and he is as good as a brother to me. I was fortunate enough to go see him in Virginia a couple of years ago. I'm glad he is/was instrumental in your life as well. I would not be surprised that there are many more out there who can thank the Lord for this man.
God bless you and your service and your son also. You are both appreciated, Bill Lowe
Copper poster
Posts: 18
Joined: Sat Oct 10, 2009 6:12 pm

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