LZ Litts

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LZ Litts

Postby jerry couch » Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:52 pm

I just wanted to post a note, remembering D Co. and all the guys, March 9 1968. The men that lived through it, and the ones that didn't , especially Joe Perez, He was my best friend. Also the reason I'm late is, That my wife Debbie passed, away in my arms the night before at 8:30 pm, march 8 2010. My step daughter was born 3-9-68, I will never forget those two dates. Play The Game Jerry Couch, D co 67 - 68
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Re: LZ Litts

Postby harley hawkins » Sun Mar 14, 2010 10:18 am


Sorry to hear about your lost.
Some very brave men fought at Litts that night.

Mick Hawkins
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Re: LZ Litts

Postby Randy Smith » Sun Mar 14, 2010 1:00 pm

Jerry I am so sorry to hear that you lost your wife. There is nothing I can say that will ease your grief but I will be thinking of you. I left just before LZ Litts but knew the men there. Having been their medic for months I was torn by the news when I found out. How do you explain the relief of not being there with the guilt of not being there? I can only rationalize the feelings with the fact that I had no choice in the matter. Being a medivac to Japan was a relief but carried with it a lot of guilt for feeling that I wasn't there for my guys. I think all medivacs probably deal with this. Randy.
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Re: LZ Litts

Postby bdfausett » Sat Nov 06, 2010 4:35 pm

Sorry to hear of your loss. some good men lost their lives that nite. I'll never forget it
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Re: LZ Litts

Postby George Borges » Sat Nov 06, 2010 6:26 pm

Billy it's George Borges call me 772 621-4565 IT'S BEEN OVER 42YRS.
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Re: LZ Litts

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sun Nov 07, 2010 2:08 pm

I fell far short in my assessment of this engagement as a "brief firefight" years ago...Tam Quan and An Bao having always taken "center stage" when it came to discussions of "heavy contact" during the 50th Infantry's tour in Vietnam.

I began to realize the true magnitude of this engagement about a year ago as I worked on the memorial pages of the 4 men killed in the battle. This realization pushed me to begin collecting and documenting this battle. I have a map in the "creation" stage showing the various APC positions and personal accounts from many of the "D" Company men involved. The battle was fierce as the men of Delta Company faced the entire 8th Battalion, 22nd NVA Regiment reinforced with local Viet Cong who completely encircled the night position at LZ Litts, south of Uplift. My collection of General Orders in August revealed that no less than 34 men were wounded that night along with Bradford, Leavell, Perez and Sternin who were killed in action. Eventually, I hope to put together a display on this battle for our archives.

My thanks to Rigo Ordaz, Noel Allen, Dennis Driscoll, Mick Hawkins, Bob Gold, Bruce Braun, Lou Frisbie, George Borges, Randy Smith and others too numerous to recall "off hand" for their input and assistance.
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