Jay Copley to Receive DSC for Heroism at An Bao

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Jay Copley to Receive DSC for Heroism at An Bao

Postby Harry Wilson » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:12 am

I am very pleased to report that our own Jay Copley will receive the Distinguished Service Cross for his heroic actions at the Battle of An Bao on 5 May 1968. Jay received a call last evening from his Congressman, US Rep. Lynn Westmoreland, to inform him of the award. Congressman Westmoreland sponsored the award, and we should all thank him and his aide, John Stacey (USMC). The award is a great honor to Jay and to all members of the 1st Battalion, 50th Infantry, including the fallen. Jay is the former CO of C Company and the current Honorary Command Sergeant Major of the 1st of the 50th at Fort Benning. The award will be formally presented by Congressman Westmoreland and the Secretary of the Army at the Infantry Museum at Ft. Benning in the near future.
Jay richly deserves this award. On that Sunday morning of 5 May 1968, two platoons of A Company were ambushed and overrun near An Bao, just accross the hills known as Miss America, north of LZ Uplift. The ambush was led by a full regiment of NVA supported by a battalion of VC, and featured a human wave attack. Jay and C Company were sent to support the remenants of A Company and arrived at the scene exactly one hour after the original attack, after themselves driving right through am ambush (Jay led and never even slowed down for the ambush). C Company surrounded the survivors of A Company and started returning the heavy fire at the still charging attackers. With radios all but out, Jay led by standing on top of his track in the midst of heavy fire. He took an AK bullet in his throat and back, but refused medevac. Shortly thereafter, tanks of B Company, 1st of the 69th Armored arrived and opened up with their 90 MM cannons. Even then, a fierce 2 1/2 hour battle resulted. Both sides sustained heavy losses. If not for the decisive and heroic actions of CPT Copley, the losses to the 1/50th could have been devastating.
Many thanks to the many soldiers who helped make this long overdue award happen, including Gary Quint, Bob Bihari, Jim Hattersley, Bill Bontemps, Cheney Bertholf, Dutch Bertholf (USMC), Dick Guthrie, John Topper, Tim Grogan (1st/69th), Jim Fitzgerald, Jim Sheppard, Norm Poage, Leon Jacque, Jeff Felder, Fred Maida, Ken Riley, Bill Roskilly, and many others who took time to help.
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Re: Jay Copley to Receive DSC for Heroism at An Bao

Postby Bob Bihari » Sat Mar 13, 2010 12:39 pm

Great news Harry!

Please let me know when the Award will be made. I'm not much of a "Reunion" type, but I'll go out of my way to make sure I'm there for the ceremonies.
It's the least I can do to honor Capt. Copley and the "Boy's of Company C" who pulled our asses out of the Meat Grinder at An Bao on 5-5-68....if not for them, I wouldn't be here. I literally owe them my life.

Too bad it's taken this long for him to get the recognition he deserves.

Regards...Bob B.
A Company '68. WIA An Bao

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Re: Jay Copley to Receive DSC for Heroism at An Bao

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat Mar 13, 2010 1:47 pm

This is a wonderful testament to our entire military and political system! My thanks to Congressman Westmoreland and Harry Wilson for making this possible.

We all thought for years that CPT Copley was dead...and that he had died of his wounds in that battle. Since we could not find his name on "The Wall"...the search began and we found him living near Fort Benning!

I was not at the Battle of An Bao, but followed the events from LZ Uplift, where I worked as a Clerk under 1st SGT Blount in HQ Co. I do remember the day (May 5th) as Ron Heinecke brought me the news that my friend Bruce Backes had been killed as the 3rd Platoon of "C" Company manuevered into the battle. Bob Bihari's message sends shivers down my spine...and I know at least a dozen others who can say the same for Jay's efforts.

In the opening scene of the movie "We were soldiers", the ambush and near total destruction of French Group Mobile 100 in the Mang Yang Pass is re-enacted. The final portion of this depiction shows the few French who were not killed in the fierce battle being executed on the battlefield, a cowardly act often perpetrated by NVA Units. I have no doubt that many of my friends from "A" Company would have experienced this fate if it were not for Jay Copley and the men from my former unit, Charlie Company.

This is a "life's moment" for Jay, and something we can all reflect on and be proud of...regardless of when or in what capacity we served.

I personally will be there when this presentation takes place. Information will be made available to everyone via this website when specifics are known.

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Re: Jay Copley to Receive DSC for Heroism at An Bao

Postby Fred Maida » Sat Mar 13, 2010 5:13 pm

I'm not much for reunions either but I 'll try my best to make that ceremony..Job well done Harry, Et All...
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Re: Jay Copley to Receive DSC for Heroism at An Bao

Postby gquint113 » Sat Mar 13, 2010 6:09 pm


For all the other readers, Jay's grit, tenacity, professionalism and compassion for his fellow soldiers resulted in the rescue of what remained of 1st Platoon and Command Group of A Company on 5 May 1968. Even a five minute delay probably would have resulted in the loss of those remaining on the ground.

Harry seems to neglect mention of his part of the rescue. Harry commanded one of those C Company Platoons and battled on through the night long after Jay was evacuated due to his severe wounds. Harry lost a close friend and RTO in Bruce Backes

Harry's determination to get Jay a long overdue recognition for his actions that day have resulted in the award of the DSC. While Jay ram-rodded C Company to the aid and relief of A Company. Harry ram-rodded this recommendation though the nightmarish bureaucratic maze of Army and Federal regulation. Harry cut through the haze and maneuvered to the end like the true legal pro he is. Job well done.
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Re: Jay Copley to Receive DSC for Heroism at An Bao

Postby bbontemps » Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:46 pm

Outstanding news! Wow!
Congratulations to you, Captain Copley, for leading us that day, and to you, Harry, for all your hard work and dedication to make this happen. I will do my best to attend the awards ceremony and will definitely bring my camera. There's not a May 5 that goes by that those of us who were there that day don't stop and reflect. This May 5 will be a little more special.
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Re: Jay Copley to Receive DSC for Heroism at An Bao

Postby Randy Smith » Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:26 pm

Thank GOD for soldiers like Jay Copley and friends like Harry Wilson and the terms soldiers and friends can be interchanged here. I hope that the date is made available and that other friends are able to be there for the cerimony. Long overdue but nothing ever came easy for 1/50th commanders, and that included putting up with us. Hooaah Harry and Congratulations to a very deserving Jay.
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