Can't remember things as well as I used to.

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Can't remember things as well as I used to.

Postby Tennessee » Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:11 pm

My dates of service were Sep 19, 1968 to @ same, 1969. I am not sure what Company I was in and would like to know so I can figure my searching parameters. I think it my have been B or C, but am not certain.
I was in its 4th Platoon (mortar) and our assignment until right after Thanksgiving was highway security; we were at Bridge 19. At about the time of the re-posting to LZ English my Co. Commander was a Capt. Cheney and at one point the Co's name was Deutsch, I think.
Can anybody answer my questions, or give me the source from which to inquire of such things ?
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Re: Can't remember things as well as I used to.

Postby Jim Sheppard » Mon Jan 18, 2010 3:24 am

You were with "B" Company.

Your Company Commanders were: July, 1968 - January, 1969 - CPT John Dortch and from January on, CPT Jimmie Chaney.

If you can tell us your name, some of us might remember you?...and I might have a Roster with your name on it that might bring back some memories.

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Re: Can't remember things as well as I used to.

Postby Tennessee » Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:49 am

My name is William Reynolds Williams. I was called Tennessee because my mustache gave me a resemblance to Tennessee Ernie Ford.
Thanks to the management for confirming Co. B for me.
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Re: Can't remember things as well as I used to.

Postby dan schlecht » Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:29 pm

Tennesse, is it really you? You had a handle bar mustache. This is Doc (Dan Schlecht). We spent some together with A company at Action and Schueller. This will confirm that you are the real Tennessee. I was pulling a shift on guard duty at LZ Schueller and you were sleeping in the track, when all of a sudden you came flying out of the track. It seems to me you said you woke up with a rat sitting on your chest. You were really talkative for the rest of the shift. I have a few pictures of you some place, one of you behind a track 60 with that trademark mustache. Life has worked out well for me. Hope all is well for you. Doc
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Re: Can't remember things as well as I used to.

Postby Joe Mlinac » Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:01 am

I always thought your name was derived from your Southern drawl and as I think back you may not have been from Tn.But you buddied up with
another Southern boy who was called "Kentucky" much for the same reason,anyhow that is how I remember you guys over all these years. My name is Joe Mlinac and I was with "B" Co. til Jan '69 then went to the SRAPs where I actually remember you from.In particular Pump Station 8,we were part of the ambush when the platoon split and it was the ambush that initiated contact that Spring morning of '69. I,and your position had a 60 and the Lt.'s position also had one along with a radio that was knocked out with the opening rounds.I also remember seeing either you or Ky being knocked of his feet while moving with that 60 and cussing up a storm with that Southern Drawl. I remember other things but none as notable as that morning so lets start from there. Again I was with 2nd Plt.,2nd Sqd. ;Dan martin ,Hoosier Greg Peterson Larry Pierce and of course the famous land navigator ,Lt. Dan Dorsey.
If this is you ,you know where to contact me . Tall Joe Mlinac
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Re: Can't remember things as well as I used to.

Postby Rick Rajner » Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:51 pm

I think that Joe is remembering a different guy known as "Tennessee." The one that served with SRAP was David Maynard Light. He served with B Company and SRAP from February 69 to February 1970. I've got his phone number somewhere. He lives in eastern Tennessee and was a good buddy with Kentucky, whose given name is Gale Bruce Cowan. By the way can anyone shed any light on Kentucky's whereabouts? He was assigned to A Company's 1st Platoon and was at Pump Station 8 with Hoosier and Lt. Walker's teams. In the Spring or early summer of 1969 he went back to A Company and was still there when SRAP was dissolved on September 1, 1969. He was with A Company's 1st Platoon at Firebase Panzer and then I lost track of him. I think that he is living somewhere in western Kentucky near Owensboro or in southern Indiana, but can't seem to locate him.
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Re: Can't remember things as well as I used to.

Postby Jim Sheppard » Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:36 pm

Sounds like a job for Barbara Anne!
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Re: Can't remember things as well as I used to.

Postby pchisam » Sat Apr 10, 2010 10:45 am

I can't remember things as well as I used to either. Just saw the post. I was with B Co 1/50 from June 69 to May 70 & spent my last month as the S-3 Air. I joined the Company at LZ Uplift as the XO. Capt Hagen was the CO & George Rogers was the 1st SGT. In about August, we move to LZ Betty. I moved the tracks on a LST - the John Page -- to LZ Betty at Phan Thiet. I took over the 1st Platoon shortly after moving to LZ Betty and Terry Carter, who was 1st Platoon Leader, took my place as XO. I can't remember who was the 4th Platoon Leader at that time -- Ernie Grisdale took over in Dec 69 - I think. If you look at the photos under B Co you will see the only photo's I have. I lost most of my photo's when my track hit a mine on 5 May 70.
Phillip M (Mike) Chisam
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Re: Can't remember things as well as I used to.

Postby Tennessee » Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:19 pm

We did have some overlap. All at LZ Uplift. I did pass through LZ Betty upon return from R&R in late Aug 69, but it really made no impression on me. I have a few minutes of 8mm footage of Betty. Much more of Uplift, the beach, the rurally pacified coastal villages, etc. Also much more of QL 19, which pre-dates you. Jim Shephard has my 8mm and will eventually post some of them. You may see a few familiar scenes in my photos posted.
I do not remember Capt Hagen. Chaney is the last one I came in contact with. I remember George Rodgers very well. Do not have any still pictures, but I hope the ones of him and others will show up in the 8mm Jim selects.
We did not have a "real" platoon leader the whole time I was there. Sgt "Big O" somebody (Oshefsky?) from Sep '68 until he derosed around Thanksgiving, then Sgt James J (Big John) Wiley until about Apr '69, then Sp4 me, then Sgt me, until George Rodgers recognized my stellar scrounging skills & made me B Company's Supply Sergeant about the time I got to be very short. I was probably began doing that soon after you arrived. I do know I was doing that when Neal Armstrong walked on the moon (July 21, 1969) because I remember listening to it from LZ Uplift, not from the field, and that I had not been the Supply Sergeant very long at that point because I was still feeling fortunate to be able to listen to a radio that night.
I do not recognize your face, and notice your pictures post-date me, though I am sure we must at least have passed each other at Uplift. Thanks for jogging my memory.
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