Paver Dedication Ceremony - National Infantry Museum

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Paver Dedication Ceremony - National Infantry Museum

Postby Jim Sheppard » Thu Jan 07, 2010 2:55 pm

This Christmas, Ruth, my wife, donated funds to have a "paver" placed at the National History Museum in my name. I have been notified that a brief ceremony will be held for recently laid pavers...including mine...on January 18th.

Work obligations will prevent my attendance & I Plan to reserve visiting my new paver until I can do so with the company of you all at the next Fort Benning reunion. I didn't think it could be so....but it is rather comforting to know that this small brick will live on well after I am gone! place in history with the U.S. Army Infantry!

The "paver" program is "ongoing" and a great way to support this new facility. I had previously documented how to obtain these on our reunion page. Below are links to a picture of the pavers for John Topper and Jay Copley...

...and a link to a scan of the brochure explaining the "paver" program...

Realizing I may not be the only one involved in this coming brief ceremony, if anyone IS planning on attending, please let me know. I'm not asking anyone nearby to go out of their way...just curious if anyone else bought a paver that is being dedicated on the 18th.
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Jim Sheppard
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Re: Paver Dedication Ceremony - National Infantry Museum

Postby Dave Knechtel » Tue Mar 02, 2010 6:18 pm


I also bought a paver after the last reunion and I plan on seeing it for the first time at our next reunion.

I also had work commitments and could not make the ceremony.

See you at the next reunion!

Dave Knechtel
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Re: Paver Dedication Ceremony - National Infantry Museum

Postby Jim Sheppard » Tue Mar 02, 2010 7:19 pm

Thanks for the response (Dave Knechtel).

Actually, I hope to be there sooner.

In 2008, a reunion "off year"...I attended my first "Change of Command" at Benning. We also installed the "Honorary" Regimental Colonel and Sergeant Major.

I particularly enjoyed this trip since I had no duties to perform....such as schlepping the Assn. Archives, etc. I am looking forward to a repeat performance (change of command) this June. I will likely visit the Museum grounds and find my paver then. I also have a cemetery near Benning to search for one of our KIAs.

John Topper has promised to share Change of Command details when they are finalized.
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Re: Paver Dedication Ceremony - National Infantry Museum

Postby DickG » Sat Mar 06, 2010 11:23 am

I, too have received my small replica and have it displayed alongside my replica of the Three Soldiers statue near the wall. The paver reads:
I agree with you that it is very comforting to have that little piece of personalized history, and I can't wait to see the real one in the ground.
Warm regards to all,
Dick G
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