Anyone remember Les Wisherd pfc, C Company?

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Anyone remember Les Wisherd pfc, C Company?

Postby les_wisherd_pfc » Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:53 am

My name is Les Wisherd. I was a pfc in C Company of the 50th in the summer of 70. I'm looking for names of the people who were there then. I've only recently remembered the name of the base. I met George Lopez while we were shamming in Cam Ranh just before he was killed on that patrol in September. I'm looking for the names of the 1st Sergeant who wore the flak jacket and helmet all the time, the Captain of our company that flew into Cam Rahn from the states on the same plane with me in July 70, and the name of the soldier who was injured in the foot by a Claymore while on patrol with me.
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Re: Anyone remember Les Wisherd pfc, C Company?

Postby Jim Sheppard » Fri Dec 11, 2009 5:00 pm

Charlie Company was commanded by Albert E. Vernon, III from July to December of 1970.

You'll likely know Ron Leraas, our current Vice Pres., Jim Dacus...and several other members. I'm sure they will post here eventually. I'm not sure if you would remember John Moody? He was with the 1st Platoon and killed on JUly 13th. His father and three sisters came to our last reunion. It was one of many highlights. We hope to see them again.

"Welcome Home" Les!

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Re: Anyone remember Les Wisherd pfc, C Company?

Postby les_wisherd_pfc » Sat Jan 02, 2010 3:56 pm

Les has received emails from Larry Sams, who was the radioman on his patrol in August '70, and told him the soldier with the leg injury was Frank Robson, who is living in Hemet, CA. We have the address and will be writing him a letter soon. Jim Shepherd told us the Captain's name was Albert Vernon, III. So, thanks to all of you who have checked the board for us, he now feels re-connected to the people he knew way back when. :D
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