26 March 1968

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26 March 1968

Postby pcfrmr » Mon Mar 26, 2018 1:14 pm

I am, today, 50 years old (young) in my 2nd life. I very nearly followed Stolinski, Moomey, and Belinge on that day. If anyone can list them for me, please list the 5 WIA's besides myself that evening. Thanks to Doc Fitzgerald (RIP) that day, I got to start a second life which I still continue. I usually find myself grateful for it, PTSD, aches & pains, and all. God bless you all, Bob Wuestenberg
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Re: 26 March 1968

Postby gquint113 » Tue Mar 27, 2018 11:05 pm

Glad you're still with us Bob...

I began my second tour as the COs RTO on that date due to the wounding of Ronald E. Howell of Columbia SC.
Ron was riding atop the A Co. Command Track right behind the track that struck the mine. A six foot section of
track blew back and crushed Howell's leg against the side of the track. Howell was medivac'd out on the charlie-charlie with Col. Berthoff and sent home to several years of recovery and therapy.

Had that incident not happened I would not have been on the Command Track at An Bao on May 5.

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Re: 26 March 1968

Postby pcfrmr » Sat Mar 31, 2018 7:28 pm

Thanks Gary, I was KO'd and remember none of the incident. Doc Fitz remembered it all too well as he did all of his tour. Be well, Bob
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