Mine sweep Hwy 19

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Mine sweep Hwy 19

Postby Turk » Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:18 am

Mine sweep Hwy 19

I’m looking for a photo of the mine sweep (tire'd trailer type tow behind) that we used along Hwy 19 in 1968. Would appreciate any info and pictures especially a photo of when it hit a mine in 1968 a little west of Bridge 26.
added: Does anyone know if the battalion build this or was it from some engineer unit?

Terry Goodwin

Bravo, Double 1, 1968-69
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Re: Mine sweep Hwy 19

Postby mick hawkins » Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:17 pm

Hay Terry

It must have been the engineers if it was a pull behind mine sweeper. We had a guy named Stan Waluke that was polish and we called him the pollock mine sweeper as he would put his fingers in his ears and stomp his foot in front of him as he advanced forward. Oh! he would also close his eyes.

We used Bob Golds 425 once but it was only good for one mine. I would like to see that picture also Terry. Don't recall ever seeing, it but I have an old mine. No pun intended there.

Mick Hawkins
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Re: Mine sweep Hwy 19

Postby Jim Sheppard » Thu Oct 08, 2009 3:15 am

Do you recall if anyone was Killed in the incedent? If so, what was his name? I can provide plenty of details if you can tell me the casualty's (KIA) name?
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Re: Mine sweep Hwy 19

Postby Turk » Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:18 am


We (Bravo 1st Platoon, 4th squad) were towing the mine sweeper or should I say mine exploder. The track was manned by the Driver, TC gunner and the two 60 gunners. We stayed inside incase it hit a mine. We started out from Scheuller and appoximatley 300 metes west of B-26 there was a bend in the small stream we too some small arms fire from this area the other gunner and I (right side gun) came up started to sling lead and boom. Cornell was hit in the upper right arm and I took a hit in the upper right arm and across the back of my neck. My flak vest took a couple hits across the back. Once over were waiting to be taken back to An Khe and I took my helmet off and there was a big dent about the size of a half dollar above my ear and it cracked the helmet to the over side. Wounds were minor and we came back out to the unit next day the only good thing was it got us out of humping up a mountain to the south of B-25 that day which were going to do after completing the mine sweep.

Any way the reason I’m hunting for a picture is my nephew is a 1 Lt with in a Stryker unit in Afghanistan and they are losing the Strkyers to mines or as they say today IED’s. I also see some of mine are off the hard top on the side of the road. Where I work the plant Maint. Supervisor is drawing me up simple plans for this mine sweep best I can remember but I’d like to see a picture and I plan to e-mail to my nephew maybe this could help them?

Thanks again.

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Re: Mine sweep Hwy 19

Postby mick hawkins » Thu Oct 08, 2009 1:54 pm

Sorry for the off beat story Terry. I didn't know your story and what you wrote reminded me of Stan.

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Re: Mine sweep Hwy 19

Postby woodalljg » Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:46 am

The minesweep device was designed and fabricated by an ordnance unit in Qui Nhon. I think I have an article from "Stars and Stripes" that has a picture. I will try to locate the article and get back to you.
Jim Woodall (Cowboy 6)
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