Merry Christmas

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Merry Christmas

Postby koren dentz » Tue Dec 22, 2015 11:26 am

Merry Christmas to all and their families! Today would have been James " Doc" Fitzgerald's 68th birthday I miss him everyday . God bless and keep each one of you . Have a Happy New Year!
koren dentz
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Re: Merry Christmas

Postby pcfrmr » Tue Dec 22, 2015 3:05 pm

Merry Christmas to you, Koren. God bless you as you go on without James. I too, miss and think of him a great deal.
Robert Wuestenberg
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Re: Merry Christmas

Postby bongson » Wed Dec 23, 2015 10:19 am

Merry Christmas Koren. I think about James all the time. I hope you are doing well under the circumstances. Take care.

Jack Noble
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