new board

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new board

Postby mick hawkins » Tue May 26, 2009 7:09 pm

Thanks R.J.
Hope memorial day found everyone safe. I thought about Bill Farrel, Jim Ferguson, Dave Parker, James Earl Wright.

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Re: new board

Postby Jim Sheppard » Tue May 26, 2009 9:37 pm


Yes...and my apologies on the message board being "down" for...of all days....Memorial Day!

We learned that the server was loading up with spam! Apparently, RJ activated one of our e-mail acounts and forgot about it. Having never set any limits, the "ichiban1" identity he created as his email accout was loading up with SPAM! Chris found about 700 Megs of space being taken by this! This is incredible!

Anyway, it would seem that the "issues" we had been having with running out of space were OUR fault after all! RJ has changed the settings on that e-mail account to prevent this happening again.

The old board couldn't handled these server "issues". Each time there was a problem...we would basically loose the ability to relist all the message history.

Time to move on to a different setup. Thank you for demonstrating that the registration process can be painless! ~grin~ (Rumor has it that Quint had a hard time getting started! But don't spread that around...I wouldn't want to embarrass him! ~grin~)
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Re: new board

Postby RJ_Smith » Wed May 27, 2009 12:38 am

I think the "ichiban1" email account was there by default. The admin email account can't be deleted.

I changed it so that everything it sees, pretty much, is immediately trashed as spam. The mention of that email address, as far as I can tell, is only on this page:

We should probably remove the email address from that page, since it's officially a "dead" account now.
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Re: new board

Postby Jim Sheppard » Wed May 27, 2009 2:18 am

RJ...Your request is my command! The e-mail address reference has been removed! I also corrected the listing of your father ...still showing on that page as our President! Jimmy Segars gets the honor for a few more months...unless he runss for re-election!
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