Historian/Website update - July, 2015

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Historian/Website update - July, 2015

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:53 am

As many of you know, my wife and I are in the middle of moving from New Jersey to Southern California. This process began in early April when my wife and I saw, fell in love with....and purchased our new home in Fallbrook, California.


Right after our reunion, I made the first trip out to be there when we "closed" on May 6th. I hauled our 50th Infantry Archives and my boat all the way across the country! I have been living there in Fallbrook getting the house ready for our eventual move. During that process, I also helped my wife's daughter move from San Francisco to our new home...where she will "house sit" until we move.

I have now traveled back to New Jersey to help stage our old home for sale...hopefully within the next month or so (Open house on the 11th).

The main reason I am filling you all in on all this personal stuff is to explain why I have yet to update many areas of our website...mainly our Reunion page. I have received tons of photos from several very helpful people and will eventually be posting a nice collection of photos. My problem right now is that I essentially have limited work-space...as all my office/desktop computer items are packed up and in storage.

I am hoping to rectify this logistics problem within the next few months when we finally load up a moving van and relocate. In the interim, priorities call for attention to be placed on moving, etc.

Our new home is located on nearly two acres of land that requires some immediate landscaping...which I need to tend to as soon as I return to Southern California in about 2 or 3 weeks. I will try to cram some essential office items into my van when I return....but have prioritized transporting all my tools, workbenches, gardening stuff, lawn mower, power washer, chipper, generator...etc.

I will also be relating these "moving details" to Lorene Burch for publication in our newsletter as well...since many of our members do not have computer access to our website.

I expect all updating will be complete by the fall.
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Jim Sheppard
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Joined: Tue May 26, 2009 5:24 am

Re: Historian/Website update - July, 2015

Postby bbontemps » Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:20 am


Thanks for the update. Beautiful home. Looks like a nice ranch ... no steps to climb. Good luck with your move.
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Re: Historian/Website update - July, 2015

Postby tomndianm2 » Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:12 pm

Jim what a man, at our age you should be enjoying some downtime but as you have always been, your just doing and pleasing as many people as you can. We understand the big undertaking you have taken on and just remember we aren't as young as we used to be. The house looks great and I'm sure in time it will be up to your outstanding dedication of perfection. You and your wife are taking on a big step this late in life and I commend you both. The website will be waiting till you find the right time to update and do the things you do so well. Take your time and God Bless you both . Tom and Diana Clark
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