Memorial Day 1969

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Memorial Day 1969

Postby Talmadgecain » Sun May 24, 2015 3:57 pm

Tomorrow is Memorial Day 2015. In 1969 Memorial Day was brutal for the Scouts. I know other companies lost
Several good men, the Scouts lost 3. Corporal Jerome Collins, Sergeant Virgil Hamilton, and SP 5 Steven Owen.
This was in Binh Dinh Province, RVN.
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Re: Memorial Day 1969

Postby Randy Smith » Mon May 25, 2015 12:28 pm

Three more names to remember as we remember all fallen brothers. Thanks Talmadge. It is now Memorial Day and I just returned from our local service to honor our brothers who made the ultimate sacrifice. The 21 gun salute and Taps brought memories and tears to most involved. GOD bless those fallen heroes and GOD bless America.
Randy Smith
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