Battle of Tam Quan Research

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Battle of Tam Quan Research

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat Feb 04, 2012 2:21 am

I have been contacted by a former member of the 1st of the 12th Cav who is doing research on the Battle of Tam Quan. Hopefully, his efforts will put all the pieces in the correct places. Many of you know that the After Action Report for the Battle is rather flawed. Tom Kjos sent me the following note:

Subject: Tam Quan
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2012 23:19:20 -0600
As most of you know, I’ve begun a book project – the history of the Second Battle of Tam Quan, in December 1967.
There is much to do, including a visit to the National Archives in DC, but it’s essential to begin getting the input of the soldiers who were there.
As a first “organizing” step, I summarized the 1st Brigade, 1st ACD After Action report into timelines by day, and by unit, and plotted movements on topo maps. I compiled them into a document that I’ve put in “the cloud” so it can be easily accessed. These are B&W, just drafts for now, just to provide some structure, and an initial reference for veterans.
I’d like the document at the link, a rough-out of Tam Quan Summary of Maneuver for the period 6 December to 20 December, to be as widely disseminated as possible.
I’d like to get any and all comments from anyone who knows about any of the units and their activities, to provide me with corrections, confirmations, stories, whatever will start to fill in the many blanks.
Here is the link to the Summary of Maneuver and maps.

Tom Kjos

When you get to Tom's link above..."click" anywhere around the 1st Cav Patch and download the .pdf file to your computer. I suggest you then print it out and look over his work. He has done a fantastic job of laying everything out by Unit and also by Date. REMEMBER that this is a "work in progress" and there may be mistakes. Tom is looking for your input to help clear these mistakes and prepare an accurate account of the fighting. Tom can also be reached at:
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Re: Battle of Tam Quan Research

Postby harley hawkins » Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:28 am

I received a warning from McAfee not to go to this site. Sometimes it will warn you there a risk but I go there anyway. Just a heads up.

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Re: Battle of Tam Quan Research

Postby RJ_Smith » Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:31 pm

It's a kosher site for me... McAfee might just give warnings because you can download stuff at that page.
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Re: Battle of Tam Quan Research

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat Feb 04, 2012 5:30 pm

I also had a response from a man who had difficulty downloading the file. It is a very large .pdf I used my personal Adobe Acrobat .pdf software to reduce the file size. I also uploaded the file to our Website's you can download it right from the link below. ... euver1.pdf

Please feel free to contact Tom Kjos directly with your input on Tam Quan. He is hoping to hear from as many as possible.

ALSO! REMEMBER that this file I loaded on our server is ever changing....and already may be "dated". Go to the website where Tom keeps updating this file (Shown in first post)
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Re: Battle of Tam Quan Research

Postby Jim Sheppard » Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:57 pm

Another example of this "warning" issue. The FORT BENNING website used to prompt a warning from Microsoft! lol They would ask if you trust the site! believe it or not. That problem has been addressed. Also, I get a horrible looking warning when I go to a sniper site I use to bid on eBay auctions. The site is no threat, but as RJ states...sometimes the site you are visiting offers a harmless function that is viewed by a virus software detecting application as POSSIBLY being dangerous. Tom Kjos is using a "cloud" site that is new. It allows for files to be downloaded in a slightly different venue & fashing than "normal"...and I use that last word in a computer discriptive with reservation~ :bang:
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Re: Battle of Tam Quan Research

Postby Jim Sheppard » Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:00 am

Tom Kjos has informed me that his e-mail address has changed. It is now:
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Re: Battle of Tam Quan Research

Postby Jim Sheppard » Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:45 pm

I had to go back 6 pages worth of topics to find this thread on Tom Kjos' book effort.

As many of you know, Tom Kjos, former member of the 1/12th Cav (D Co.). is writing a book about the battles of Tam Quan. Tom attended our last reunion and conducted quite a few interviews. I have collaborated with Tom on 2 multiple-day trips to the National Archives for Records gathering...which benefited both Tom's effort as well as our own Archives!

Tom's work is inching along. He has actually begun writing the text of the book, but has been hampered by a computer crash and a backlog in transcription of taped interviews. I spoke with him recently after one of our members asked for an "update" on the book effort. Tom filled me in and wanted everyone to know the effort is still "on-going". There is no projected completion date at this time, but I think we can expect a publication forecast to be announced within the next year.

This past July, Tom attended a 1st Cavalry Division reunion in Chicago, IL. Below is a photo of Tom and Allen Lynch...who was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action in the Battle of Tam Quan.

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