Reunion and Norm Poage

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Reunion and Norm Poage

Postby Harry Wilson » Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:38 pm

This might have been the best reunion ever. There were a lot of people, a lot of first timers, and seven families of our KIAs. Kudos to John Topper who organized this, as he has done all of the recent reunions. Kudos to Jim Sheppard for his work with the families. And Kudos to the Army for again rolling out the red carpet. As many of you know, I stopped by Allen TX to visit Norm Poage on the way to the reunion. Norm was a squad leader, then platoon sergeant, then platoon leader with Charlie Company from 10/67 to 4//68, when he was badly wounded. It was his second VN tour. He was a singularly brave soldier and has a Silver Star. He recovered from his wounds, went to college on the GI Bill, and went on to a distinguished career as an accountant. He retired a few years ago from a career the Government Accounting Office. Norm has been quite ill for the last 7 or so years with Hep C, acquired from the blood transfusions from his wounds up in the 506 Valley. He also now has diabetes and leukemia, the latter from his first VN tour. His health is quite poor, but his spirits are good. He was one of the founders of the association, and, I think, the first webmaster of this website. He sends his best to all in the 1/50th Infantry. He is one of our best. Remember him in your prayers and thoughts, please.
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Re: Reunion and Norm Poage

Postby Jim Sheppard » Mon Aug 10, 2009 11:17 pm

This reunion was probably the most emotional of them all. The new faces and the family members really made this memorable. Spending time with Jim Tilley was an indescribable treat, John Moody's family, RC Myer's widow and daughter, LTC Pangelinan, Paul and Don Cross, Bob Ladd & Dave Abernathy made this one for the record books! Next time we are promised we will have Barbara Daniel's with us!...and I would bet we have twice as many family members show up next time as well.

I need some time to "chill"...and I will get to posting up some photos.
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Re: Reunion and Norm Poage

Postby mick hawkins » Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:09 am


Think it was great of you to stop by and see Norm. This reunion was by far the best. Good to see all the D company Guys show up.
I got to visit with Mrs RC Myers and she was just beside herself with all that was going on. I so enjoyed Sgt Bell. He was the same old sgt Bell and we had some good talks.
The last night Richard Wilson and Dick Guthrie were talking old times and I have never laughed so hard in my life. You could tell they had deep repect for each other and really enjoyed the company.
Many thanks to all the officers and reunion commitive for a job well done. I find records in JIms room I haven't seen before, so Jim is still looking up records for us. Thanks Jim
The picture I took with all of D company and the flag. Send me your address and I'll make a copy and send you.

mick hawkins
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