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Postby rigo-ordaz » Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:07 am

Today is March 9, to those who were there at Litts I don,t have to explain the horrific events of that early morning when things looked hopeless and we were
just hanging on firing back with whatever we had. Confusión added on to the desperate situation as every track was on it,s own trying desperately to survive.
There is no way to explain to those that were not there of the insanity of the situation and the lack of support. They say war is hell, but, this was not only hell
it was pay back.
We had decimated the 8th Bn. of the 22nd NVA Rgmt. at Tam Quan, now they wanted revenge and pay back. The 2nd VC-NVA were there, they also had a bone to
pick with us. We surprised two companies of the 2nd at An Tinh next to An lac and we killed over 100 of them. in January. Again in february we dealt with them
and defeated them in the Tet Battles ending in february. Now in March it was Pay Back time.
May the ones that died there Rest In Peace and those of us that survived may we find the peace of mind knowing that we did our best with what we had.
Rigo Ordaz
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Posts: 124
Joined: Thu Dec 17, 2009 2:49 pm


Postby rigo-ordaz » Sun Mar 09, 2014 3:08 pm

By saying we, in reference to Tam Quan, An Tinh and the tet Battles I am referring the whole 1 .50 Battalion. I am proud of the whole Bn. and what
we did in Vietnam.
Platinum poster
Posts: 124
Joined: Thu Dec 17, 2009 2:49 pm


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