Book boys of 67

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Book boys of 67

Postby harley hawkins » Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:46 pm

If you want to read a pretty good book The Boys Of 67 is pretty good. It is about C company 9th Infantry. Jim Stephenson is in the book and he is from Marceline, Mo. A little different combat than what we was use to in the Bong Song Plains.

It is written by a non combat writer Andrew Wiest as he interviewed members of C company. I really liked the chapter in the back that listed each member that was with c company and a brief story about each of them.

Mick Hawkins
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Re: Book boys of 67

Postby Randy Smith » Mon Feb 03, 2014 3:37 pm

Hey Mick,
Wondering how to get a copy of that book and I'll check with you later on it. Just put your book down, The Way it Was, as I am reading it again for the manyeth time. I may just let Toby borrow it after I read it this time. Maybe not--but I might--probably not--but I could--I'll let you know. :roll: Hope Carolyn has let you back in the house again out of the snow and cold. :D
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Re: Book boys of 67

Postby harley hawkins » Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:34 pm

Randy I got my book at Barnes and Noble . They carry two the Boys of 67 you want the one by Andrew Wiest or if you are coming here to Turkey hunt you can borrow my copy.
Yes Carolyn let me in. We are having another round of snow now. I got to the office at 6:30am this morning and got an email at 7am the office was going to close. They said we could get 10" to 12"

Take Care My Friend

Harley Mick Hawkins
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Re: Book boys of 67

Postby Jim Sheppard » Tue Feb 04, 2014 3:42 pm

Thanks for the "heads=up" Mick.

I checked Amazon, the book is offered there in several formats starting at $9.22 and I would wager much cheaper than Barnes & Noble. I got a Hardcover version for $15.43.

Go to and search "Andrew Wiest". He is quite a prolific author...particularly works involving the Vietnam War. I was surprised to see that I do not have any of his books!...since I now have over 17 bookshelves loaded with hardcover volumes about our I ordered 4 of his books.
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Re: Book boys of 67

Postby harley hawkins » Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:54 am

OH! they went over on the USS Pope . Same trip a lot of us made. They said there was five bunks high . I only remember four bunks high but could be wrong . They also said it was very boring ride over there on the Pope, well they should have had sgt Curtis and sgt Higgins when we wasn't doing jumping jacks, running in place, push ups we were shooting BB guns off the deck at cans .

Harley Mick Hawkins
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Re: Book boys of 67

Postby Jim Sheppard » Wed Feb 05, 2014 6:10 pm


Looks to me from my photos that the bunks were stacked 4-high. You are right!

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Re: Book boys of 67

Postby Randy Smith » Sat Feb 08, 2014 2:57 am

Dagnabit Jim,
Warn a guy before you post pictures like that!!! One look and I started getting seasick again :mrgreen:
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Re: Book boys of 67

Postby wfm7 » Sat Feb 08, 2014 4:52 pm

Without the smells a picture just can't capture the true experience.
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Re: Book boys of 67

Postby Randy Smith » Sat Feb 15, 2014 2:00 am

I had two uncles that had served in the Navy during Korea. They told me that when we boarded the ship to let the other GIs have the lower hammocks and to take the top hammock even though it meant having to climb into it each time. I asked why and they said they wouldn't tell me but I had better listen to the voice of experience. I heeded their advice and "gave up" the lower hammocks and tied my bag to the very top bunk.
That first night when the ship started rolling and the front of the tub came out of the water and slammed down on the flat bottom of the front and the propellers came out of the water when the back reared and vibrated the whole ship I found out why I had taken the top bunk. There were guys all over the bottom of that ship calling "O'ROARK" that night. And the GI's on the lower hammocks were on the receiving end. Yeah I remember the smells but don't want to remember to vividly. :mrgreen:
Thanks uncles Farrell and Edward.
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