15 Jan 69

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15 Jan 69

Postby bongson » Wed Jan 15, 2014 10:01 am

Remembering Austin Chenowith, Scott Bailey and all the good men from 1st. Plt. who fought on this day 45 years ago.
Thanks to 2nd. and 3rd. Plts. for saving our bacon that day.
It was good to talk to Tom Kellin this past year and hear that he is OK

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Re: 15 Jan 69

Postby Jim Sheppard » Wed Jan 15, 2014 3:54 pm


Thank you for making this post today. I have so much on my "historian plate"...but always will allow myself to be sidetracked when our KIAs need attention. In fact, they have been my main focus for the past 5 years or so. Realizing that today was the 45th anniversary of this devastating ambush on Highway 19....I also remembered that Ray Chenoweth is one of only 25 men for whom I have no photo. I remembered that I did have a "lead" to follow up...so I pulled Ray's memorial file and called his High School in Colorado. A very helpful LInda Deremo, School Librarian, pulled the 1967 graduation class yearbook and sent me a great photo of Ray Chenoweth!


I just now updated Ray's memorial page and submitted a copy of this great photo to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund Website. His photo should be added there within a few days.

Thank you Jack for remembering Ray and Scott Bailey today.


Jim Sheppard
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