Joseph M. Esposito

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Joseph M. Esposito

Postby christenson1 » Sun Dec 22, 2013 2:01 pm

I am Looking for Joseph M. Esposito, Sp 4 who went with me from the 1st of the 50th to C trp 1/10th Cav in An Khe in November 1970, was I believe the one who pulled me from the river after a truck mishap ? saving my life Christmas day 1970. My memory is lacking of the incident but I recently received some records from St Louis which included Aeromedical Staging Flight orders which has two of us from C trp being medevac'd back to the states and so I am inclined to believe that it was Joseph M. Esposito who saved my life and I would like to find him and thank him for his heroic deed. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I can be reached at my E-Mail address or responses to this post.
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Re: Joseph M. Esposito

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sun Dec 22, 2013 2:54 pm

I checked my rosters and contacts list and came up empty with both. I recall that Frenchy went to An Khe when the 50th stood down in November...I would suggest you check with him. ( ) Also, check to see if the 1/10th has an Association....or try the 4th Infantry Division Association. It looks as though the 1/10th is now inactive, although they may be at Fort Leonard Wood.
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Re: Joseph M. Esposito

Postby christenson1 » Sun Dec 22, 2013 5:23 pm

Jim thanks for checking for me, I was hoping that he was the person I was in the back of the truck with. My memory is pretty much shot when it comes to that incident but I am quite sure the person was sent to the C trp 1st of the 10th Cav from the 1st of the 50th with me. I guess Esposito may have been one of the individuals in the cab of the truck or my memory is wrong. Thanks again and I'll E-Mail Frenchy.
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