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Postby rigo-ordaz » Mon Dec 09, 2013 4:31 pm

Many moons ago the 1/50 th. got called in to battle to what was called the Battle of Tam Quan. A platoon of Alpha Co. was called in on the 6th to help the Blues of the 1/9th Cav. who were pinned down by the enemy. Delta Co.got called in on the 7th. I remember we went into it with good spirits perhaps because we didn,t know what we were getting into,but we did good those first three days at Dai Dong 2, and then other encounters on the 10th and others. I can only tell what I saw from my point of view.
I have tried to be as accurate as I can with my recollections. Some time back an open invitation was given to everyone from the VFW magazine to submit material on the Battle of Tam Quan. Several people submitted material to include someone from Charlie company who submitted a photo of a Charlie company unit moving down a hill, This photo was not of the Battle of Tam Quan. The overall content of the article was in charge of a lady reporter, I forget her name.
I have not seen the article since I saw it when it first came out, but I do remember some errors in it.
Those first days of the battle is what I remember the most up until the 14th. I do remember and honor all our proud service members who lost their lives and all those who still suffer wounds from this battle.
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Postby rigo-ordaz » Tue Dec 10, 2013 8:42 pm

Today Dec. 10 46 years ago Bravo Co. and Delta Co. were involved in firefights in the Battle of Tam Quan.
Last edited by rigo-ordaz on Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Randy Smith » Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:55 pm

Rigo my friend I remember going in with you that day but I think it was 46 years ago. That is OK my wife shaves years off events also so I'm used to it. ;) It doesn't seem possible that it could have been so long ago. Just thinking back I can feel the horror today. The men we lost come to mind and will always be in our memories. We know that their loved ones are having a bad day today also and I hope time has helped to dull their pain but I doubt it especially today.
You and I brother will keep these men in our hearts and memories forever. Your old medic, old friend, and old brother in arms. Be safe and happy Rigo till we meet again.
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Postby rigo-ordaz » Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:48 am

You are correct Randy. For some reason I had 1968 in my mind, I guess because of Litts.but you are correct it has been 46 years. I think we all aged a bit after this battle.
I remember going in on the 7th, and what surprised me somewhat was seeing the Mortar platoon going in with us, not as mortarmen but as Mech Infantry.
Soon we started getting casualties and the Medics sprung ninto action. The Medics I remember was Randy Smith, Pete Tovar and Ron Provencher. There might have been more but I don,t remember. Was Robert Meléndez there also? These had their hands full with so many casualties-
There were casualties by the enemy and many also by Friendly Fire. The 1/8 th Cav was right along us and also had many casualties. they were not with us on the 10th of December. Bravo Co, was battling the enemy at Troung Lam 1, I believe.
We didn,t know it right away but we were routing the enemy, we gave them all we had. This was a battle we won,t soon forget for the men we lost there, but also
because it was an overall victory. Consequently now, like Gen, Patton said,We got something to tell our grandkids.
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Postby Russ Roth » Wed Dec 11, 2013 10:15 am


Robert and I replaced Pete and Ron about mid January so we missed Tam Quan. Pete recently confirmed my memory of only 3 medics and Tony Harris was the third one during our time there. Randy must have seen us coming and split. :shock: :o :D
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Postby Randy Smith » Thu Dec 12, 2013 1:01 pm

Darn right I split when I heard that Roth and Melendez were coming. :lol: No seriously when we fought at An Loc 2 on the South China Sea by Dam Tra lake on January 2 we took an RPG thru the front of Lt. Welch's track and it hit the radio and detonated. This was the day that Bill Stainer and Jerry Riedlberger were killed. I was sitting back by the fuel tank and the RPG detonated about 2 feet from my head and really rung my bell but I didn't think anything was wrong after my head cleared. That assumption was wrong(some medical diagnosis huh) and I had confusing thoughts and eventually a grand mall seizure. I was flown to LZ English and sent to Camp Zama, Japan. They wouldn't let me return to my beloved 1/50th because they said I had an abnormal brain wave. I said "That's no big deal I've always been abnomal." :D But they refused my return and I had seizures for many years after so it was probably the right decision but it left me with a deep guilty feeling of abandoning my brothers. The reunions have helped me more than any and all therapy ever could have. God bless the 1/50th past,present,and future.
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Postby Russ Roth » Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:06 pm

Randy Smith wrote:Darn right I split when I heard that Roth and Melendez were coming. :lol:

I don't blame you in the least!! :? :? 8-) :lol:
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Postby Jim Sheppard » Fri Dec 13, 2013 3:38 am

The Charlie Company photo used in that article is a National Archives photo. When I downloaded the photo years ago...the source stated "National Archives". You shouldn't "assume" the woman got it from a "C" Company man. I am not particularly thrilled with that comment.

It was shot by the same cameraman who took the shot of the Chinook landing on LZ Quick moments before. That camera team high-tailed it back off the LZ in a Huey so fast if you blinked you missed it! Ha Ha! We continued on down the mountain and got into it two nights later on Haloween. When I visited Herb Randall this past summer I shown him that article and photo. We both believe it was Norm Poage on point.
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Postby rigo-ordaz » Fri Dec 13, 2013 7:43 pm

Jim, if you.re not the one that sent it why worry about it. However, I got accused directly of sending a lot of material and I was trying make it clear, I did not send that picture. On the other hand, you are not the only person who was in Charlie company so someone else could have done it. The lady at VFW magazine requested input from people who were in the Battle of Tam Quan. Perhaps I could write that lady and ask her who input material or where she got that picture.
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Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat Dec 14, 2013 12:23 pm

Why bother....she obviously messed up in several areas in that article. The cover photo over the Charlie OP should have been a clue that the author had no idea what she was doing. By the way, she contacted me...and I gave her your contact information...if you recall. She obviously didn't give your input serious consideration. I believed, from the minute I saw the magazine article, that she went with the AAR and Photos...and I believe she made a trip to College Park (National Archives) to get same. It fits the MO of writers who are only in a hurry to punch out an article.She probably went and had the Tam Quan AAR pulled and then went up to the photo area and looked for anything within a time frame for the fall of 1967. To her uneducated eye...I suppose she thought October was "close enough". And NO...I wasn't defending my own actions...I was standing up for my "C" Company guys. None of them could have sent the photo...because I only gave her you and Dick Guthrie as points of contact. Back then I knew literally nothing about the battle, other than the dates and locations. My objection was your shot at "C" Company. And it was derogatory. If I said as much about a "D" Company man you would know what I mean. You tick people off when you make that kind of comment....and it ruins otherwise good conversation.

Sadly, I mostly ignore anything you write any more...as it only drags out all this kind of finger pointing.

No need to comment, although you always seem to have to have the last word....as I will likely just disregard this thread.
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Postby rigo-ordaz » Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:43 pm

I didn,t mean anything by it. if we would have used a D company photo, you are free to assume someone from Delta sent it. No problem. I just wish you,d be in my shoes for a moment where everything I say is taken the wrong way. Where I am personally attacked and can,t defend myself. Well enough of this,I don,t want to go this route, and believe me there is no animosity in me especially towards brothers of the 1/50.
I was hoping there would be more input from Charlie, Bravo and Alpha Companies and their participation in this battle.
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Postby rigo-ordaz » Sun Dec 15, 2013 6:32 pm

Today 46 years ago a unit of A Company went to help C 1/12 Cav. I copied and pasted a brief summary account from the time line of the 1/50 which I wrote while Ray Sarlin was running the website. Source_: After Action Report

15 Dec 67
C 1/12 Cav in contact with enemy around My An (5) close to Troung Lam (1) request for a Mech unit granted and A(-) 1/50 dispatched to area that afternoon. A platoon of 1/12 Cav cut off and surrounded by enemy. A 1/50 helps to extract beleagured troops, One Ist Cav soldier awarded the Medal of Honor.

Anybody from A Company wants to commemt.
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Postby 1968doc » Wed Dec 18, 2013 2:04 am


For those of you who were at the Reunion earlier this year in April, you'll recall that there was some talk of a return trip to Vietnam. Well, that's what I'd like to talk about. I've done some preliminary inquiries with a Tour Company,
a Tour Guide as well as advice and suggestions from Dick G., Dave Gallo and others. The details listed below are intended to be a sketch only as any final details can be decided upon much later.

That said, let me just ask if you have ever thought of returning, then we'd love to have you on the trip. I think the trip can be soothing and theraputic if the Veteran begins with that type of frame of mind. Please contact Dick G., Toby M.,
Russ R., J. Noble, D. Sourwine. Sam Luna (Houston) went several years ago and found it extremely helpful in his healing process.

I'm asking that those of you interested to think about it. Actually committing to the trip comes much later. I'd just like to get a preliminary number of those interested.

DATE: Jan. 2015 (2nd half of the month).
DAYS: 12-14 Days.
SITES: Land in Hanoi and Depart from Saigon.
SITES: Bong Son Plain,Bong Son Bridges, An Bao, Tam Quan, 505 & 506 Valleys, LZ Uplift, LZ English, LZ Litts, Phu My, Dam Tra O Lake, the Beach Area, An Khe, Highway 19, Mang Yang Pass.
SITES: Other sites can include: sites around Hanoi, Da Nang, My Lai, Quang Ngai, sites around Saigon and Cu Chi Tunnels.

Please think about it and contact (on the Board or privately) me if you are interested. But please do talk with some of those members who have made the trip. It is an amazing, emotional and unforgettable trip;
it's a trip to a country of such beauty and friendly people. The children are a special delight.

More information will be sent in the near future...

Thanks, Robert M.
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Postby Jim Sheppard » Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:49 am


There is an existing thread on the return trip set for January of 2015...although it was a good idea to post here as well.

I copied your post and entered it in the "Return to Vietnam" thread.

DO you have any names yet aside from you and me? Someone else said they definitely wanted to go and I told them to get in touch with you...but I don't remember who it was.
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Postby Jim Sheppard » Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:55 am

While I am thinking of it. If anyone who was involved at Tam Quan in any way has not yet spoken to Tom Kjos about the battle...be sure to get in touch. (You can contact me for his e-mail or phone #)

Tom is doing a fantastic job writing a book about the battle based on extensive research and personal interviews. He was an officer with the 1/12th Cav and took part in the battle. We have made two trips to the National Archives doing research/document gathering & his work is going to be incredible.

Tom came to our last reunion and interviewed quite a few men. He got contact information for many others to do telephone interviews after the reunion...as there wasn't always time for extensive conversations.

I believe the book may be ready for publication in about another year, but don;t quote me on that.
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Postby rigo-ordaz » Thu Dec 19, 2013 5:10 am

On Dec. 19, 1967 the 1st. Brigade kept looking for the enemy on the final days of the Battle of Tam Quan. An aerial Recon from one of the ships of A Troop 1/9th discovers an antenna wire leading to a bunker. Troops of the 2/8 th Cav operating there were pulled back to effect extensive air strikes on the bunker complex. The área was blocked in by other units of the 1st. Brigade.
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Postby rigo-ordaz » Fri Dec 20, 2013 8:00 am

Last day of the Battle of Tam Quan. C Co. 1/50 participated in this last day with units of the 2/8 Cav along with other units.

2400Hrs. Battle of Tam Quan ends. The first major battle of 1/50(M) ends with over 650 of the enemy dead. Two battalions of the 22nd NVA Regiment were rendered ineffective. 58 Americans lost their lives in this battle and many wounded.
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Postby Jim Sheppard » Tue Dec 24, 2013 5:20 pm

Although there is another thread devoted to Tom's work on the Battle of Tam Quan, I thought I would post his latest note here...as this thread is more recent...taken from his Christmas Message which arrived today in a Christmas Card:

Tom wrote:
I continue my work on 'The Battle of Tam Quan'. During the past year, I made my second trip to the National Archives and attended reunions of the 8th and 12th Cavalry (Regiments), and the 50th Infantry. I've interviewed battle participants from those units and from the 9th Cavalry, 19th Artillery and 229th Assault Helicopter Battalion.
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