refuse to forget

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refuse to forget

Postby harley hawkins » Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:42 pm

Bill Farrell weapons plt was killed at Tam Quan Dec 10th from NY. James Earl Wright weapons plt was killed Dec. 1oth at Tam Quan James was from AL. Lt. Sodowsky D company was killed Dec. 1oth Tam Quan D company from OK.

Harley Standridge weapons plt. was killed Dec. 17th Standridge was from OK.

Our medics had a very very bad job at Tam Quan and did a great job. Thank You

Mick Hawkins
harley hawkins
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Re: refuse to forget

Postby Randy Smith » Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:33 pm

Hey Mick, I got together with Toby Milroy tonight. He was senior medic for "B" company and they had a hard day too getting in to us that day 46 years ago. Could it really have been that long ago. How could the images be so clear from so long ago. I still see the faces as they were then and they will never grow old with us. They will never have our pot bellies, gray hair and wrinkles but will always be the young men we remember forever. Bill was just your average guy and James Earl was too but was such a good looking kid. Lt. Mel had this exaggerated adams apple and Roy was hiding behind those oversized glasses and had this habit of calling all equipment by the Army nomenclature number. How he remembered all those numbers was a mystery to me.
This day is remembered by the "D" and "B" company troops as one of the worst. I'll never forget.
Randy Smith
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