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Postby sgtroc » Thu Nov 28, 2013 10:03 am

I guess I'll be the first to say Happy Thanksgiving this year. I have a lot to be thankful for this year and I wish all the members and men of our unit the same thanks. Have a wonderful day and pray to God our survival continues for many years.
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Postby Jim Sheppard » Thu Nov 28, 2013 12:01 pm

Most of us can recall a time in Vietnam when we were not sure we would survive. We know that every day since that moment has been a gift from God. We don't know why we were left...and our comrades died on the battlefield, but we will remember them always....and be grateful we had a chance to know them...particularly at this time of year.
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Postby Randy Smith » Thu Nov 28, 2013 1:42 pm

Yes Jim, a gift from GOD although I remember in the field at that time we described it as gravy. As in "If I make it through this the rest of my life will be gravy!" I l like your description "a gift from GOD" better but still gravy seems appropriate today of all days. :D I spent Thanksgiving Day 1967 in the 67th EVAC Hospital in Quin Nhon and was so impressed by the meal that I saved the menu, yes they had a printed menu with a little bow on it. I sent the menu home to my folks so they could see how easy we had it. They saved it and gave it back when I returned home and I kept it through the years until they started the battalion museum. As of the last reunion it was still resting in the glass case in the headquarters lobby at 1/50th.
I am very thankful today for not only the gravy but also for the lumps in the gravy as that is how I met,learned, liked, and loved my brothers from that horrible time so long ago but not long enough to forget those we lost. There isn't that much time. Wishing all my brothers a happy Thanksgiving and much more gravy in the future. Randy"DOC"Smith
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Postby pcfrmr » Thu Nov 28, 2013 4:54 pm

:D HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL!!! Every day since 26 March 1968 has been free. Thanks to Jim Fitz (Doc) :) :) , I have a great family and many "Nam buds".
GOMF, Bob Wuestenberg
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Postby Ernie Milito » Sat Nov 30, 2013 8:39 pm

Little late, God bless you all.
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