ischemic heart disease

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ischemic heart disease

Postby john nichols » Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:31 pm

the VA awarded me 10% $123.oo per month. i would be very happy if i could get this up to 30%. i also have 3 nerve problems with my hands and arms. and i just got a referral to a leg specialist about problem i having that maybe nerve related. when i get info. about this i would like to try to file a clam that's its agent orange related. i have lots of blood relatives and no one has these nerve problems. if anyone can help me with info please call me at 1- 818- 843-8416 i home all the time now one of the arm problems just started up and it takes about 9 months to heal. i also can be reached by e-mail johnnichols3033@yahoo .com
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Re: ischemic heart disease

Postby Harry Wilson » Sat Jul 02, 2011 5:56 pm

John, Get in touch with your state's veterans commission or office. Most if not all states have them, and they have people who job is to help other vets in applying to the VA for service related disabilities. I contacted a fellow from the Missouri Veterans Commission, and he was very helpful. He did much of the work. I have heard that the VFW provides similar services, but have no first hand knowledge of the VFW. I do know that the law favors the veteran, and that you should not pay anybody to help. Harry Wilson
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Re: ischemic heart disease

Postby Russ Roth » Sat Jul 02, 2011 11:25 pm

The VFW here in Vancouver has an office at VA. They were very helpful when I stopped at VA to get an ID card and talked me into applying for my hearing loss/tinnitus and now I receive $123 a month for the tinnitus. Nothing for hearing loss since it was just under what VA will pay for. I chatted with Roger several times since then and was there again recently. Extremely helpful, I give them very high marks here.

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Re: ischemic heart disease

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sun Jul 03, 2011 8:22 am

The DAV is also helpful in some areas (although not my experience here). For my initial application, I used a county veteran's affairs Harry suggests...and received 10% for my Tinitus (Ringing in the ears). However, several years later I filed my second claim and I received an additional 50 % for my heart "issues"...which makes me wonder why they gave you only 10%?...possibly because I had 3 stents inserted in my heart arteries? This second award was applied for completely on the VA Internet Web Site...and took two months from the date I submitted until approved. The VA offered me the additional 40% to put me at 100%...which totally shocked me. I had to claim "Unemployability"...a common practice once one has over 50% and is retired or can no longer work....although I had never heard of it being "offered" as it was in my case! (They said they noticed I had retired)

While the VA has made HUGE improvements in processing claims, there still seems to be no rhyme or reason to why one man gets X% and another man something completely different....why one man breezes through and another has to fight for years or wait for months....although the emphasis now is supposed to be to approve a claim quickly whenever possible.

Hope everyone has an enjoyable holiday weekend.
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Re: ischemic heart disease

Postby catain_j504 » Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:33 pm

If u were in Veitnam start going to mental health you have to get a rating on PTSD then you can fill for unemployablity and get raised to 100%. JR Dacus its the only way
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Re: ischemic heart disease

Postby catainjr » Wed Nov 13, 2013 10:47 pm

I have a rating of 100%permenat and total for the same heart condition work harder on you clain go to mental health raise hell kick your serive officer in the ass and get him on the ballid he don't get going kick him in the balls and fire him
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Re: ischemic heart disease

Postby sgtroc » Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:12 am

You must put in for PTSD. You were in combat in Vietnam and that gives you and open door to increase your service connected disability. Be honest and truthful on you mental health exam and you are guaranteed the increase. There are veterans that never served a day in Vietnam that are getting 100% service connected money. They know how to play the game. I belong to a PTSD group that meets for one hour per week, there are guys in the group that never spent a day in the field and it is astonishing how they work the system. There is an Agent Orange registry questionaire and you were in II Corps so you were exposed. There is a correlation now with Agent Orange exposure and Heart Disease you deserve compensation. Join the DAV when you are 30% SC. Let them fight for you. I never wanted anything for my Army Service but if people are getting compensation that don't deserve it then it's time for guys like us to get what we can. I live in NY and they expedite Vietnam vet claims. Please join E benefits website it is helpful. If you need advice I am here to serve you. Bob O'Connor
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