happy veterans day

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happy veterans day

Postby gladgrub » Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:02 am

WELCOME HOME, thanks for your service and thanks for remembering those who are not with us
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Re: happy veterans day

Postby Randy Smith » Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:57 pm

Thank you Gladys and we remember.
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Re: happy veterans day

Postby rigo-ordaz » Sat Nov 16, 2013 1:59 pm

Just got my computer back. Although Veterans Day has come and gone, I believe every day should be a Vetean's Day, and we should remember all our combat veteran friends and remember with honor all our fellow veterans who paid the ultimate sacrifice. Gladys, I didn't know your husband over there as I had left to the State when he was there. I can't imagine what you went through, but with all respect I remember your husband and sympathize with you through those troubled times.
All the time I was a squad leader never lost a man until March 9, 1968, a man that was not supposed to be there that morning. Of the four that died there three were married, so the Vietnam war created a lot of grief in mothers, fathers, wives, sons and daughters. Those that died in Nam deserve to be remembered not only on Veterans Day but throughout the year.
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