VA Disability

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VA Disability

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat Oct 12, 2013 2:20 pm


Some of you who followed my posts on Facebook in June know I was informed by the VA that my disability case was being reviewed. Long story short, after reviewing information from my personal physician and cardiologist, as well as the original catheterization and cardiovascular problems back in 2007...they found that my present award will continue unchanged. This, of course, is good I was worried about my income. As it turned out, as my wife first advised...there was nothing to worry about until there was something to worry about...which turned out to be very true.

It is still disconcerting to think your compensation can be drastically reduced by one of these "reviews". I understand one must be at their current rating for 10 years before it can be considered permanent. I have been at my current 100% rating for just over 3 years to go. Hope I live that long! Also hope our Federal Government ends this "shut-down" or this is all moot! (If the "shut-down" lasts until 10/31...there will be no compensation delivered on 11/1)
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Jim Sheppard
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Re: VA Disability

Postby pt9243 » Sat Oct 12, 2013 5:49 pm

Dodged the bullet, Jim. That's great. I'm just trying to hold onto the bone they threw me a couple of years ago. Pete
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Re: VA Disability

Postby George Borges » Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:24 pm

Hi Jim, If I remember right you have a heart problem, is your % at 100% total and permanent? If it is they can't change it.
Any questions E-mail me . George at
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Re: VA Disability

Postby sgtroc » Sun Oct 13, 2013 11:44 am


I was awarded 100% compensation for my liver cancer in May but with one little glitch. The head compensation Doctor added a note to my award. He said that the cancer might be temporary and they will look at my case again in the near future, to see if the award should be changed. I have been hospitalized 7 times since January and I'm not a candidate for a liver transplant. My cirrhosis is thru the roof and my death will be temporary also. Good Luck Jim.

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Re: VA Disability

Postby Jim Sheppard » Mon Oct 14, 2013 2:50 pm


The original percent for my heart was 60%. Apparently that included the previous 10% for my ear (Tinitus). At 60% I qualified for unemployability....which was granted, putting me at 100%. Had they reduced my percent for my Heart...I would likely have fallen below the 50% threshold for being awarded unemployability. I can "breath easy" for a while...but I fear it's like jury duty....and they will come at me again. What a waste of their valuable time. My conditions are irreversible and I explained that in a letter sent in June. They did, however, come to the proper I have to give them credit. al: I learned from Harry Wilson, who developed Prostate Cancer, that they initially awarded him 100% and then took it away after successful treatment (He had his Prostate removed). That seems to me to be completely unfair. The man lost his prostate because of Agent Orange exposure and should have continued to be compensated. I understand the "reviews" in all instances will reduce compensation if symptoms improve?....unless you make it past the 10 year period after which your disability becomes permanent?

I'm not positive of any of this, but that's part of the problem. Most of us do NOT know what to expect. COmpensation awards seem to follow no pattern and vary greatly between states. For many, myself included, various financial liabilities have been taken on with income verified as VA Compensation. These lenders have taken a risk, based on what is viewed as permanent income. What will happen to us if lenders learn compensation can be removed?! I fear disabled Vets will NOT be able to get credit in the future if this practice is continued and/or expanded.
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Jim Sheppard
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Re: VA Disability

Postby » Thu Apr 24, 2014 9:40 pm

Don't sweat It Jim at our age I don't think you will get booted off 100% hey rember Play the Game.JR out C/22 1970 :bang:
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