DC protest march

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DC protest march

Postby jaime » Sun Oct 06, 2013 8:55 pm

A million vet march to protest the government closing of memorials next weekend in DC is gaining traction.
http://www.letavetin.com. Or Google million vet march.
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Re: DC protest march

Postby Jim Sheppard » Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:56 pm

The link provided in the original post gives no information about a "March" protesting the closings...but rather is a petition that appears to be somewhat politically motivated. I can see where it would have led one to believe otherwise.

I am providing the correct link to the "March on DC" information. I would do this event, but I will be in Alabama for a Veterans Event that weekend.

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Re: DC protest march

Postby jaime » Tue Oct 08, 2013 8:43 pm

Jim Sheppard wrote:The link provided in the original post gives no information about a "March" protesting the closings...but rather is a petition that appears to be somewhat politically motivated. I can see where it would have led one to believe otherwise.

I am providing the correct link to the "March on DC" information. I would do this event, but I will be in Alabama for a Veterans Event that weekend.


Thanks for the correction Jim. We are heading up Friday, will be there Friday, Saturday, Sunday, come home Monday. Staying in Arlington. Should be interesting. Anybody else going?

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Re: DC protest march

Postby RJ_Smith » Tue Oct 08, 2013 8:45 pm

One of my friends is furloughed here in Indianapolis because of the shutdown. He's an air traffic controller at Indianapolis International Airport. I guess ATCs aren't considered "essential personnel," at least not all of them.

And we're flying out west on Oct. 30th. Hope they have them back to work before then :shock:
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Re: DC protest march

Postby sgtroc » Wed Oct 09, 2013 9:10 am

The essential and non-essential worker term has been changed because it seemed too mean on the workers that were told to stay home. The term now is Effective and Non-Effective employees. What a joke. My son is a Special Agent and he is working for no paycheck as long as this lasts. I'm waiting for him to hit me up for money any day now.
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