Dick Kerr

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Dick Kerr

Postby Jim Sheppard » Wed Jul 10, 2013 11:31 am

I received word this morning that Dick Kerr died peacefully in his sleep last night, Tuesday, July 9th.

Services will be on Wednesday, July 24th.

Friends may gather at the Chapel at White Bluff, 1072 White Bluff Drive, Whitney, Texas 76692, beginning at 11:15 Am. there will be a service at 1 PM. There will be no interment as Dick will be cremated. Flowers may be sent to the Chapel a day or two before that date. The Chapel's phone number is 254-694-7060.

Dick's wife Marlyce is spending time with her daughter Debbie until just before the funeral so you will not be able to contact her at home. If you would like to send sympathy cards, Dick's home address is 12187 Rolling Oaks Drive, Whitney, Texas 76692.

Anyone seriously considering attending may contact Jim Sheppard for Dick's daughter's phone number.

I will post more here when I learn details.
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Jim Sheppard
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Re: Dick Kerr

Postby pt9243 » Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:16 pm

Deeply saddened by this news. One of the few men I've remembered throughout my life and especially the impact he had on me during my time in the military. I'm grateful I took the time to visit with him for a few short minutes during the reunion. He understandably didn't remember me but I'll never forget him. Rest in peace Sergeant Kerr. HOORAH!!

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Re: Dick Kerr

Postby harley hawkins » Wed Jul 10, 2013 4:20 pm

So sorry to hear of Dicks death. I also got to visit with him at the reunion. I always remember at Fort Hood the big sgt. with the tatoo on his arm.

May god bless and be with his family . RIP Dick kerr

Mick Hawkins
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Re: Dick Kerr

Postby Jim Sheppard » Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:55 am

Services update has been added to the original post.
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Jim Sheppard
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Re: Dick Kerr

Postby Randy Smith » Sun Jul 28, 2013 1:40 pm

We've lost a big man and not just in stature. SGT. Kerr was an old school soldier and mighty proud of it. I talked with him at the reunion and he told me then that he was terminal saying that he had less than 6 months left. On July 8th a group of 1/50th vets from the 1970 era met at Seymour, Indiana for a get-together and I offered them the facilities of my deer lodge for the day. Some of the 1967 vets from this area came to visit with them. Toby Milroy, John Topper, Larry Curtis, and myself sat around the campfire with these 1970 1/50th vets and talked about SGT. Kerr on the evening of July 8th and John Topper called me later in the week and told me of his passing on July 9th the next day. How ironic, but somehow I hope he knew that we were thinking of him. And I would like to propose now that at the next reunion we drink a toast to SGT. Kerr and all the other 1/50th vets that he has joined in what lies beyond this world.
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Re: Dick Kerr

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:36 pm

2 days before Dick Kerr died, I received an e-mail from the family of his friend in Vietnam and Fellow Battalion TOC Staff Member MSG Philip Larson's family. They had lost touch with Dick and needed his contact information. It prompted me to update Dick's photo album page...something I had been meaning to do for years. I called Dick to ask him a few questions about one of his photos...but there was no answer.

I receive praise all the time for what I do. It doesn't mean much to me...as I love doing this...but coming from Dick Kerr, it always made me feel as though I had achieved something noble.

He was one of the most revered Drill Instructors at Fort Hood in those training years from 1965 to 1967. We hardly ever spoke back then...our rank differential and different platoons warranted only a nod here and there, but he was one I always looked forward to seeing at reunions.

At one of those early reunions at Fort Benning, there wasn't enough room on the buses for the trip to the Uchee Creek Barbeque. Dick and Marlyce gave Toby Hamon and myself a ride in their personal car....and we followed the buses. During that ride...Toby told Dick of how everyone in Basic Training feared Drill Instructor Kerr! He was an imposing picture well over 6 foot and tuff as nails. Without missing a beat, Dick said..."And in your wildest dreams in those training days, you never imagined you would one day be riding down a lovely country road with me on your way to a barbeque"

As with Randy and the others who brought Dick to mind a day before he died...Dick was "visiting" with me as I worked on his photos the Sunday before his death.

He will be greatly missed at future gatherings.

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Jim Sheppard
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