David Cardinal - Flame Platoon APC Driver - 47E-030

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David Cardinal - Flame Platoon APC Driver - 47E-030

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sun Jul 19, 2009 1:36 pm

MIke Hartz sent me several photos of Dave Cardinal who was killed in action on April 1st, 1968. Previoulsy, all we had was a High School photo.

After recently finding Dave Cardinal's mother....and putting her in touch with Mike Hartz (Cardinal drove Hartz's APC), I asked Mike to send me copies of the photos I noticed he was offering to Cardinal's mother.

How many of you have photos you took of one of our KIA's?

PLEASE get copies to me somehow for our Memorial Pages set for creation this coming year. You might want to check with me first to make sure I do not already have your photos. We have dozens of unidentified photos in our Photo Gallery section...one of them might contain someone I do not recongize...or who has not been identified by the person who submitted the photo.

Below is David Cardinal sitting in the APC he drove.

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Jim Sheppard
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Re: David Cardinal - Flame Platoon APC Driver - 47E-030

Postby Mike Koplin » Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:24 pm


Thanks for getting this picture of Dave Cardinal. After all these years I couldn't remember his face. He was a good friend and I was annoyed that the years robbed me of the memories. Thanks for helping to bring Dave back to my thoughts.

Mike Koplin
Mike Koplin
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