Ssg Martin/Mortar Platoon

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Ssg Martin/Mortar Platoon

Postby jimhollowb » Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:23 pm

Sgt Martin will be stopping by my place for lunch on his way back from vacation in upstate NY. Any former members of the weapons platoon (or anyone else) who would like to stop by is more than welcome. I'm located in the Hudson Valley, north of NYC about 50 miles. Martin was the training Sgt for mortars during A.I.T at Fort Hood and then shipped out with battalion as one of the "boat people". The tenative date is June 7th. All are welcome.
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Re: Ssg Martin/Mortar Platoon

Postby Jim Sheppard » Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:37 pm

I might be able to make that. Keep me posted. Have you tried contacting anyone else?
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