Remembering March 17 1968

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Remembering March 17 1968

Postby Lou Frisbie » Sun Mar 17, 2013 7:37 am

How many remember what happen to Delta Co 45 years ago today.
Thank God for pulling us out of that.
Thank God for cool heads and brave men and Medics we had with us.
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Re: Remembering March 17 1968

Postby harley hawkins » Sun Mar 17, 2013 8:52 am

Oh I remember . Things didn't look good for awhile that day. I'm sure that one will come up at the reunion also. Be great to see you again Louis.

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Re: Remembering March 17 1968

Postby Randy Smith » Sun Mar 17, 2013 11:59 am

Louis I left in February and missed the action you are recalling but I am glad that you and Mick and all the others that made it through are with us today. See you at the reunion again brother.
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Re: Remembering March 17 1968

Postby Russ Roth » Sun Mar 17, 2013 8:18 pm

I remember that day. I was near Tom Schroeder when his helmet was grazed and knocked off. Louis was there also but I don't know if he saw it happen. Coolest guy under pressure I believe I saw in my time. He had a lot to do with us getting out as well as we did and I can tell you, without ANY doubt, myself, Tony Harris and the feller on the litter (Lettie) would not have made it to the choppers without divine intervention. We also have David Jones and his squad to thank. Those guys all should have gotten a medal that day, IMHO. Every guy I was near did well but for us those 4 stood out.
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Re: Remembering March 17 1968

Postby Lou Frisbie » Mon Mar 18, 2013 5:19 am

I couldn't miss it Tom had the mike to my radio up to his ear when the sniper shot his helmet off.
The piece of helmet went into his hand. One of you medics was there maybe two were working
on Littie at the time. I thought he was shot in the heart the way blood was coming out. You guys
saved him I thought he was a goner for sure.
That sniper must have seen us coming for miles we had to use our long antennas in that area,Littie
was in front of me with his long antenna on also. I guess I'm just lucky they pick him first. I still don't
how he made it that bullet went all the way threw him.
Be glad to see everyone at the reunion.
Lou Frisbie
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Re: Remembering March 17 1968

Postby Jim Sheppard » Mon Mar 18, 2013 5:48 pm

Map created from Daily Staff Journal: 3rd Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, 17 March 1968:
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Re: Remembering March 17 1968

Postby rigo-ordaz » Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:34 pm

I remember that day. When we finally came down from the mountain we were supposed to do a fake extraction and stay and do an ambush. It turned out the other way, we got ambushed. When we started getting shot at, I was told to take my squad, cross the road to the north and secure an LZ for extraction. As soon as we crossed the road we started to recieve fire from the northwest, north, and northeast. We were in the open as there was nothing but rice paddies betwwen us and enemy. We low crawled to a grassy patch close to the road and took cover in a little ditch. A sniper's bullet hit Perez on the rim of his helmet and twisted his head. I thought he was a gonner but nothing happened to him. Soon we started getting help from ARA which seemed to be coming pretty close. Eventually we were able to form an lz and the choppers started coming in. Second platoon got the Chinook. When we lifted to take off we received ground fire. Antilla, a guy in my squad opened his eyes in surprise as a bullet grazed an area very close to his family jewls. That bullet or another one hit the guy right next to me on the other side of the isle. The pilots manuevered the chinook in a way tipping forward. I could see the ground from the windshield, I thought we were going to crash, but in five minutes we were safe and sound at LZ Uplift.
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Re: Remembering March 17 1968

Postby Lou Frisbie » Tue Mar 19, 2013 9:33 pm

I heard that someone had been shot through the floor board of the chinook
Lou Frisbie
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Re: Remembering March 17 1968

Postby rigo-ordaz » Mon Mar 25, 2013 6:27 pm

Hey Lou, yeah the guy next to me on the Chinook got hit but I don't remember who he was. Perhaps he was from another squad. There were a lot of new guys coming in. For some reason I always thought that incident happened on the 18th of March. When I wrote the War Timeline I put in that it happened on the 18th. All the stuff that is in yellow that pertains to the 1/50, I wrote. Spent many nights writing, but never could communicate with the webmaster to verify or to change things. I also did not get credit for my work, not that I need it but it would be nice. Any way, one look at the orders that Jim has, we could find out who got wounded on that day.

A few days at the reunion is not enough to dig into and research (searching for the truth) it takes years. We learn something new every day, and this board is a good platform to bring things out. One post I did on the Battle of An Tinh made a member remember things from that battle.
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