2013 Wreathe Laying Ceremony Invitation

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2013 Wreathe Laying Ceremony Invitation

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sun Jan 13, 2013 10:32 pm

Tonight I completed what has become a "January Tradition" during Reunion years...I finished the mailings to all the Family and Friends for whom we have various contact information.

The mailing breakdown is as follows:

85 letters sent via the United States Postal Service.
163 e-mail notifications sent.

Having "snail mail" addresses is like gold these days...as e-mail addresses are very unstable. I have had 12 more email addresses "fail" this year. Add these to the 52 lost over the previous 3 "reunion" year's mailings and we have now lost 62 contacts! Of course, some of these have subsequently contacted us with new email addresses...but these were a scant few. Sad that, for some reason, people hesitate to let us know how to reach them in some means other than unreliable email addresses.

It's too soon to tally the responses...but I have already had quite a few!... in fact, although most are letting me know they will not be able to attend, there will be some returning for their second & third visits...and there are also some attending this year for the first time...among these, the families who have been notified that several building and one PT field will be named in their loved one's memory. (Dulac, Shipley & Lowe)

I will soon be adding the list of persons who have registered for the reunion on the Reunions Page....as usual, I will also list the folks who have advised they will attend the wreathe laying ceremony. I should have this done by the end of this coming week.
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Re: 2013 Wreathe Laying Ceremony Invitation

Postby harley hawkins » Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:21 am


Nicky and Lynn James family of James Earl Wright have a new e-mail address and I will forward it to you . Their home address is the same. They are coming to the wreath laying not sure if I told you. When I get back home I will forward you their new E-mail.

Jim thanks for the work you do. We can't say that eoungh .

Harley Mick Hawkins
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Re: 2013 Wreathe Laying Ceremony Invitation

Postby Jim Sheppard » Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:21 pm

I thought I would share one of the responses I received as a result of the mailing I completed last night. Most of my responses have been "thank you" with notice they can not attend, but always appreciative of our efforts.

From Wendy Baker, Childhood Friend of James Stell, KIA with "B" Company in July of 1968:

"Hi Jim, I am unable to attend but I thank you for your time and effort in honoring these folks. My nephew died in Viet Nam and I feel more loss now than I did in 1968. He would have been 64. I often wonder what his life would have held for him. I think of Jim Stell in the same way. I thank you for your service to our country. I apologize deeply for the way our soldiers were treated upon their return home from Viet Nam. It saddens me to recall those news clips. None of you deserved that. Thank you again for ALL that you’ve done. May God Bless."

My Response:


Thank you for your support.

Fortunately, times have changed.

Most of us went through our war experience and returned to an argumentative public. Hence, personally, I tended not to talk about the war...hiding the fact that I was a Vietnam Combat veteran. I can only recall one incident from back in the early 70's where an employer introduced me with quite some pride as a Veteran of Vietnam combat! It sounded odd to be praised in such a manner for the first time.

Years passed, and most of us endured hard times in quests for compensation from the VA for service connected "issues". The fight over Agent Orange and it's devastating repercussions brought out a tendency for our own government to neglect and mistreat many veterans.

Gradually things changed. A new generation began to look upon their fathers and grandfathers as men who "did their duty" and served with honor. Ever so slowly people began to recognize us and try to "make amends" for years of criticism. Folks seemed to realize they mistakenly took out their frustrations on a war they did not understand by crucifying the soldiers who fought it...in many cases as draftees! I think the wars in the Middle East helped this transition. People did not want to repeat these "misdirected" errors made in the past.

As men returned from Iraq in the first Gulf War, people went out of their way to cheer and welcome them home....ditto for Iraq and Afghanistan in the last decade. Vietnam Veterans began to organize into their own Vietnam Veterans of America chapters...as well as mainstream VFWs and American Legion halls....becoming the core members as WWII veterans began to fade away.

Now, hardly a day of shopping goes by where someone does not see my "Vietnam" baseball cap in a store and thank me for my service! When the VA finally recognized many Agent Orange Related health issues and prioritized getting old and new veterans their just due compensation...many of us could hardly believe the changes! When I applied for compensation for a heart health issue, i was promptly awarded a large reimbursement percentage... and the VA CALLED ME, to offer 100% disability for unemployability when I retired! I was amazed!

SO... thank you Wendy for being a supporter for years and remembering some of those who fell. Yes, we all wonder what many of those lives would have been like had they survived. It has been my good fortune to meet many of the family and friends of men killed in action with the 50th Infantry in Vietnam. One of the many instances was meeting the family of Tom Donovan...who was killed in action after, basically, taking over for me in the 1st Squad of the 3rd Platoon of Charlie Company! What a privilege!

I wish you the best of everything American!

Sincere Regards,

Jim Sheppard
1st Battalion, 50th Infantry Association Historian"
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Re: 2013 Wreathe Laying Ceremony Invitation

Postby linda pahl » Thu Mar 21, 2013 4:50 pm

I too will be coming this yr for the first time.. I was not sent an invite that I recall. Just an email without all the info.. I am still waiting to hear details.. I have my flights and place to stay.. Just need info.. Thanks Linda Aaron Pahl... Spc Charles (Red) Aaron was my brother...
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Re: 2013 Wreathe Laying Ceremony Invitation

Postby Jim Sheppard » Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:20 am


Sorry for the delay. I called the phone number you had sent me today. You were not at home, but i left a message that I had called. I had intended to call again this evening, but by the time I sat down at my computer after spending dinner and time with my wife, it was too late.

On Thursday morning, May 2nd, we will be departing the Hampton Inn and Suites via Bus at 9:00 AM and travelling to Fort Benning's Kanell Field for a "Turning Blue" ceremony for one of the 50th Infantry graduating classes. Immediately after this ceremony, we will travel to the 50th Infantry complex where the memorial events and lunch will take place. Please contact me the evening before at the Hampton Inn. I will be able to accomodate some folks who may not have transportation in my Van,and if more vehicles are needed, we will work out the logistics with others in our group.

We are honored that you will be attending!

Thank you!

Jim Sheppard
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