Vietnam Veterans Mortality Rate

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Vietnam Veterans Mortality Rate

Postby Jim Sheppard » Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:15 pm

The stark reality of our dwindling numbers urges me to ask you all to try to attend our next reunion.

Vietnam Veterans are passing at a rate between 300 and 400 every day! Shocking.

If you have put off attending one of our 1st Battalion, 50th Infantry Association reunions for whatever reason...PLEASE give it some serious consideration. Truth be told, there may not be many more chances to gather and share the camaraderie those of us who have attended have come to know & love.

I've got my own personal "wish list" of people I would like to see. Some of them were in command...some were grunts just like me...some were "REMF's" I became after my field time. For all their own "reasons" they have chosen not to attend...or attended once years ago...before we began what has become the traditional gathering at Fort Benning. The honor & red carpet rolled out for us by the present day 1st Battalion, 50th Infantry at Sand Hill is something we all should experience before we die.

Are you on my list? Are you Herb Randall, Bob Driscoll, Mike Terrebonne, Al Smith, Walt Podraza, Fred Maida, Wally Wroblewski, Wally Chow, Jim Kelleher, Steve Black, Rick Rajner, Rick Hambley, BARBARA DANIELS, Rigo Ordaz, Wilson Parks, Dan Schlect, Joe Dulany, Richard Hooker, Oren Culpepper, and even Ray Sarlin! Dozens who have not come within the last 6 years...Charlie 3rd Platoon!???

I've missed many names that should be on my list...but these just popped up without lots of "searching".

Again, the death rate for Vietnam Veterans is near 400 PER DAY!
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Jim Sheppard
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Re: Vietnam Veterans Mortality Rate

Postby pt9243 » Sat Oct 20, 2012 9:24 am

I've read this before in various news outlets and wonder if the mortality rate is unusally high for VN vets. Are the lingering affects of that war, either physical or mental, beginning to take it's toll at an accelerated rate? Sure looks that way.
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Re: Vietnam Veterans Mortality Rate

Postby May » Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:44 pm

Hello... just joined in to say that over the years, film, music and documentaries about the Viet Nam era..greatly effect those who were not directly involved...though somehow feel emotionally connected, still, to you writers here..and my appreciation for sharing your memories and love of comrades... and a heartfelt appreciation to everyone. My dad was a WW11 veteran & escaped POW, and his outfit, the Toronto Scottish Regiment motto is " Keep The Flag Flying " ! with love, from May.
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Re: Vietnam Veterans Mortality Rate

Postby Jim Sheppard » Fri Mar 03, 2017 3:20 pm

While doing a "Search" for something unrelated to this came up and I re-read this from 2012.

Of the names I listed back then of men I would have liked to see at a reunion...Wally Wroblewski, Rigo Ordaz and Richard Hooker never made it and have passed away. This year I believe Walt "Polock" Podraza will finally be with us at Fort Benning.

All I can say to the rest is..."You have no idea what you are missing"!
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Re: Vietnam Veterans Mortality Rate

Postby maupow » Sun Mar 12, 2017 2:37 am

I thought this might be a good place to share these since veterans from the Vietnam era are NOT without hope. I HATE that we are losing them before their time. Although I am sure many have been battling for a long time, it is NEVER too late to seek help, or try again if you have tried before. I am positive my father's PTSD was a major contributing factor to his many medical issues and eventual death. My dad has left me behind and I am devastated. If by sharing these I have reached even one person no matter the age or era...just even one person. It's too late for my dad and me, but it's not too late for someone else. Never, ever give up.

There are many stories and videos. You can even search by branch, era, gender, or relationship. ... nditions=1
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Re: Vietnam Veterans Mortality Rate

Postby dan schlecht » Sun Mar 12, 2017 3:42 pm

OK I am on before my mortality catches up to me and the rest of us....Dan Schlecht 68-69
dan schlecht
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