Order of Battle - I Field Force, Vietnam
I Field Force Vietnam had the mission of exercising
operational control over the U.S. and allied forces in the II Corps
Tactical Zone as well as providing combat assistance to the Vietnamese
units in the area. I Field Force Vietnam was used as a basis for the
Second Regional Assistance Command (SRAC) on April 30, 1971 and U.S.
Military Forces, Military Region 2.
Organized in Fort Hood, Texas in early 1965 with cadres from III Corps,
I (pronounced "eye") Field Force Vietnam (originally Taskforce
ALPHA) arrived in Vietnam on August 1st, 1965 to provide combat assistance
to the South Vietnamese Army's II Corps and to control U.S. military
operations in the Central Highlands. Headquartered at Nha Trang, it
was redesignated I Field Force Vietnam, a corps-level organization,
in March 1966.
It's assigned units included the 41st and 52nd Artillery
Groups as well as various combat support and combat service support
battalions. Attached to I Field Force Vietnam at one time or another
for specific operations were the U.S. First Cavalry Division (Airmobile);
the Fourth Infantry Division; the 3d Brigade, 25th Infantry Division;
the 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division (Airmobile): and the 173rd
Airborne Brigade (Separate).
I Field Force Vietnam headquarters elements
HHB, IFFV Artillery (Click here for assigned
artillery units)
Army Security Agency Battalion
8th Psychological Operations
54th Civil Affairs Company
272nd Military Police
Transportation Company
43rd Army Postal Unit
First Chemical Detachment
13th Military History Detachment
55th Military Intelligence Detachment
5th Public Information Detachment
11th Public Information Detachment
Major U.S. forces under I Field Force Vietnam control
First Cavalry Division March
29, 1966
Fourth Infantry Division
July 10, 1966
3rd Brigade, 25th
Infantry Division March 29, 1966
1st Brigade, 101st
Airborne Division March 29, 1966
173rd Airborne Brigade
23 May 1967
Company B, 5th Special Forces Group
March 29, 1966
Taskforce South (Provisional) July 24,
1968 (Click here to see TF South's units)

17th Aviation Group March 29, 1966
- 10th
Aviation Battalion (Combat) 10 Oct 65 - 30 Jan 72 (now 10th
Avn Bde)
- 14th Aviation Battalion
(Combat) Oct 64 - 27 Oct 71 (See book
on 14th CAB)
- 52nd Aviation
Battalion (Combat) 19 May 63 - 28 Apr 72
- 223rd
Aviation Battalion (Combat) 15 May 66 - 1 Apr 72
- 268th
Aviation Battalion (Combat) 4 May 67 - 21 Jan 72
- 7th Squadron,
17th Cavalry (Air) 28 Oct 67 - 18 Apr 72 (IFFV January 11, 1968)
- 192nd Attack
Helicopter Company (Phan Thiet)
- 281st Attack Helicopter Company
(Nha Trang)

I Field Force Artillery 15 Nov 65 - 21 Jun
41st Artillery Group 29 Apr 67 - 15 Nov 69
- 7th
Battalion, 13th Field Artillery (105mm Howitzer, Towed)
- 7th
Battalion, 15th
Field Artillery (175mm Gun / 8-inch Howitzer)
- 2nd
Battalion, 17th Field
Artillery (105mm Howitzer, Towed)
- 3rd
Battalion, 18th Field Artillery (175mm Gun / 8-inch Howitzer)
- 5th Battalion, 22nd Field Artillery
(175mm Gun / 8-inch Howitzer)
- 5th
Battalion, 27th Field Artillery (105mm Howitzer, Towed)
- 1st
Battalion, 30th
Field Artillery (155mm Howitzer, Towed) Active
Duty Site
- 6th
Battalion, 32nd Field Artillery (175mm Gun / 8-inch Howitzer)
- 4th
Battalion, 60th Air Defence Artillery (M42 Duster)
- 6th
Battalion, 84th Field Artillery (155mm Howitzer, Towed)
52nd Artillery Group 17 Jun 66 - 30 Jun 71
- 3rd
Battalion, 6th Field Artillery (105mm Howitzer, SP)
- 7th
Battalion, 13th Field Artillery (105mm Howitzer, Towed)
- 6th Battalion, 14th
Field Artillery (175mm Gun / 8-inch Howitzer)
- 7th
Battalion, 15th
Field Artillery (175mm Gun / 8-inch Howitzer)
- 2nd
Battalion, 17th Field
Artillery (105mm Howitzer, Towed)
- 5th Battalion, 22nd Field Artillery
(175mm Gun / 8-inch Howitzer)
- 1st
Battalion, 30th
Field Artillery (155mm Howitzer, Towed) Active
Duty Site
- 6th
Battalion, 84th Field Artillery (155mm Howitzer, Towed)
- 1st Battalion, 92nd Field
Artillery (155mm Howitzer, Towed)
Other Artillery Units in IFFV Artillery at some point
- 8th
Battalion, 4th Field Artillery (175mm Gun / 8-inch Howitzer) (now
7th Battalion, 8th Field Artillery (175mm Gun / 8-inch Howitzer)
- 5th
Battalion, 16th Field Artillery (155mm Towed/ 8-inch Howitzer SP)
- 6th
Battalion, 33rd Field Artillery (105mm Howitzer, Towed)
- 1st
Battalion, 39th
Field Artillery (175mm Gun / 8-inch Howitzer)
- 1st
Battalion, 44th Air Defence Artillery (M42 Duster)
IFFV operated a major subordinate
unit called Task Force South.
1st Battalion, 50th Infantry (Mechanized)
replaced 3/506 5 Sep 1969
Battalion, 503rd Infantry (Airborne)
3rd Battalion, 506th Infantry
(Airmobile) January 15, 1968
2nd Squadron, 1st
Cavalry (Armored) (1st Regiment of Dragoons) May 1969
Company C, 75th
Infantry (Ranger)
1st Battalion, 69th
Armor (detachment supported Task Force South)
Battery C, 3rd Battalion,
319th Artillery (105 mm)
Battery D, 2nd
Battalion, 320th Artillery (105 mm)