update email address?

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update email address?

Postby charles78641 » Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:57 pm

update old email address to this one I use here?

I was a member a few years back, wasnt online for awhile, says account email needs updates.
Cant find where to do that at.

on wanted site had a post..my name is Charles (Charlie) Ray Calhoun, and there it said I need to update email address and they had info for me on post. I am unsure on how/what to do. The wanted post was looking for my driver....I stated his name was David Ewing, but it is Joe, not David. Last I heard he was in MN.

Thanks for any help,
Charles 1/50 Mech Inf

Jim sent you a email from my new email address so I could remove my emails from this post wasnt sure if it was public here.
Last edited by charles78641 on Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: update email address?

Postby Jim Sheppard » Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:27 pm

"Assuming" you are Charles Calhoun?

The "Wanted" page is extremely out of date & as far as I know, hardly ever used any more. It was a good idea when created nearly 10 years ago, but due to lack of use/interest...has become somewhat dormant. Although it would have been me that posted the comment in 2010...I do not recall doing so and have no notes relevant to the posts about the VTR Driver.

If you were taking about J.R. Ewing from Commo...he was an original, travelling to Vietnam in September of 1967 and would have been gone in September of 1968. Regardless, I don't think he would have driven the VTR...although he was known to often accompany "C" Company in the field. JR's email is listed on our e-mail page...and I will update your new e-mail address in the appropriate places.
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Re: update email address?

Postby charles78641 » Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:54 pm

Thanks alot Jim, This is Charle Calhoun 1/50 HQ ...in VTR Track Comander.
Emailed you with my info Jim

Thanks for your help.

I was looking for my driver, was sure his name was Ewing....memory not so good maybe its David, not Joe.
Any way/place I can find his name?
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Re: update email address?

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat Jul 14, 2012 3:00 am

There is a search pane on this website home page for searching the entire website. I ttped in "Ewing" and came up with my own photo of JR and myself in 1968:

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Re: update email address?

Postby charles78641 » Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:36 pm

Thanks for the info you did find on my driver, and the photo link.
I am still searching and in hopes of locating my driver.
Have a great day.

Charles Calhoun
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