5 May 68

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5 May 68

Postby NickB » Tue May 04, 2010 9:20 pm

There is always something in life,one event, that happens to one ..that after that....nothing is the same...ever....Thanks for the memories of buddies and a time of knowing some of the men of A co, God Bless the 1/50th, and "The "Tomorrow" In Every Soldiers Prayer." You are not forgotten...I remember.... NickB Sept 67-68
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Re: 5 May 68

Postby rpaulc » Tue May 04, 2010 11:33 pm

Our thanks to all of you who were there on 5 May 1968, and for helping those of us who were not there to understand what happened. We will not forget what you did in that far off country nor the part of you that was left there. Your willingness to share the story and that experience with those of us who lost someone special on that day has been an incredible blessing. May God Bless all of you who served as part of the 1st Battalion 50th Infantry.

Paul and Don Cross ( Friends of KIA Don Stephenson)
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Re: 5 May 68

Postby Jim Sheppard » Wed May 05, 2010 8:28 am

Out of respect for all our men killed in action on May 5th & 6th, 1968, I will travel into Washington DC from my perch here in College Park Maryland today and visit the "Wall"(I am here doing research for the Association this week).

We remember.
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Re: 5 May 68

Postby bbontemps » Wed May 05, 2010 9:30 am

Allen Lynch, Medal of Honor recipient living in Chicago, stated during an interview when asked what happened in his growing up that gave him the courage to do what he did that Decemper 15, 1967. His answer, "If you think about it, we are the sum total of every experience we've ever had in our lives."
Those of us who were there at An Bao, 42 years ago, and made it home, had our lives changed forever. However horrible that day was, we move on with our lives. Whenever something difficult comes along in my life, I think back and say to myself, "If I made it through that day, I can make it through this situation.
God be with the men and families of those who gave their lives to their country that day, and give courage to those of us who made it home.
Blessings to all of you.
"Cigar Man"
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Re: 5 May 68

Postby Harry Wilson » Thu May 06, 2010 9:19 am

Toby, Gary and I got together yesterday for a long lunch to remember, and to remember those who fell. Jay, Dick and John checked in earlier. Remembering is a good thing.
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Re: 5 May 68

Postby snodinak » Thu May 06, 2010 5:25 pm

Our troops, every soldier, both those who served in Vietnam, as well as other wars, and those who serve today in other war torn countries are our lifeline to our future and to our freedom. "Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy, forget in time that men have died to win them." Franklin D. Roosevelt. You in the 1st/50th do not fall into this forgetful group.

Forty two years ago yesterday, my brother Donald E Lowe and others gave their life's blood to help preserve that freedom we share today. I thank all of you from the 1st and 50th who keep his memory alive. It's hard for me to believe that it has been forty two years; he was only twenty one when he gave his life. That was one third of what his age would have been today. I still miss him every day.

Today is the National Day of Prayer, weather we recognize it or not. I pray for our country, our government, and our soldiers, each and every one of them, past and present. God bless each one of you. A special thanks to James E Fitzgerald (Doc) who has, in a way, taken the place of a brother lost that sad day 5 May 1968. God bless you my brother, and thanks for bringing me some peace and the truth of that dreadful day. You are loved and appreciated by many, not just me. Today, others live because of your heroism, even though you would never call it that.

May your lives and stories go on and each of you be richly blessed. Thanks so much, Bill Lowe, Sterling Alaska
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Re: 5 May 68

Postby NickB » Wed May 18, 2011 3:31 pm

So here it is a year later,even after all this time,it's still on my mind,of friends...buddies of A co... 1/50th...guess its true... "If everyone does not come home, none of the rest of us can ever fully come home either". NickB
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