Welcome to the new board!!

Members may post in this forum, but anyone may read posts.

Moderators: Jim Sheppard, RJ_Smith

Welcome to the new board!!

Postby ichiban1 » Tue May 26, 2009 4:47 am

Hi everyone -- since the old message board went *boom* again we've decided it's time to move to something more stable, robust, and most importantly, able to be backed up and restored in a pinch. We've also fixed the problems that were causing us to run out of web space.

So, with this new board, you may post as a Guest just like the old forum. However, you'll have to input a "challenge code" from an image each time you post. This prevents automated spam from "bot" software. Or, you can register by signing up with a username and your email address.

This new board has some very cool features, not all of which we'll use, but a short list in order of approximate usefulness (really cool ones in green):

User side:
  • Registration (optional - needed for most features besides posting)
  • Search System
  • Message "bump" -- new post brings topic to top of forum list (so nice - new posts always on top)
  • List of new posts since your last visit (your new favorite feature)
  • Preview / edit posts
  • Underline / bold / italic / lists / bullets / smileys
  • Attach files to posts (max size = 128 KB)
  • Embed images in posts
  • Subscribe to forums/posts (notifications by email)
  • Polls
  • User profiles
  • Private Messages
  • User signatures (show up at bottom of each of your posts)
  • User avatars (up to 80x80 pixel picture)
  • "Sticky" posts that stay at top of forum (admin approval required)

Admin side:
  • Warnings
  • Permanent bans on username, email address, and/or IP address
  • Give users moderation privileges
  • CAPTCHA images for guest posts / registration (prevent spambots)
  • Post moderation / deletion
  • Flood protection (limit time between posts)
  • Create multiple forums and private forums

Don't hesitate to email me or Jim with any questions about the new board. It's a pretty painless setup and it's a lot more organized and faster to find posts and quickly locate the new posts (unlike the old board, where posts made more than a few lines down were often ignored).

Our emails are:
(As an image to prevent *us* from getting spammed to death.)

Let me know how it's working out -- and our apologies for the old board going down so close to Memorial Day. Thank you to all who sacrificed to make our country what it is today!

-- R. J. Smith
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Re: Welcome to the new board!!

Postby RJ_Smith » Tue May 26, 2009 5:05 am

Just created my personal user account (always a bad idea to run on the admin account...). Took about 2 minutes -- just make sure you put in a *valid* email address and you'll get the registration email.

And if you have trouble reading the picture of letters just hit "Reset" and you'll get a different one :).
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Re: Welcome to the new board!!

Postby Bob Bihari » Tue May 26, 2009 8:15 am

Looks good so far. Pretty easy to set things up, hopefully this will also cut down on some of the spam.

Thanks for all your hard work Randy!
A Company '68. WIA An Bao

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Re: Welcome to the new board!!

Postby james (doc) fitzgerald » Tue May 26, 2009 9:40 am

Thank you RJ. Hello Bob and everyone. James out. :D
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james (doc) fitzgerald

Re: Welcome to the new board!!

Postby Guest » Tue May 26, 2009 4:42 pm

looks great

mick hawkins
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Re: Welcome to the new board!!

Postby Randy Smith » Tue May 26, 2009 6:42 pm

Hi guys, Somebody thanked me for all the hard work but I can't take the credit for what my son has done. RJ is the computer whiz not me. I barely knew enough to get registered to use this new board but hey if I can do it anybody can. Hope this eleviates a lot of the problems we had before. Hope everyone had a memorable Memorial Day. We had a wonderful ceremony at our local cemetary and although it rained steadily we still had a decent turnout. Toby Milroy (B-Co. senior medic) and I were together for that ceremony. See you all at the reunion August 4-7.
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Looking for Unit DI

Postby eggiese » Tue Jan 05, 2010 5:11 pm

i all, i;m looking for unit crests for my brother who was in the 50th Armored Inf in Germany (about 1958) can you tell me whre i can purchase a set, Thanks, E Giese
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Re: Welcome to the new board!!

Postby Jim Sheppard » Wed Jan 06, 2010 5:56 pm

For unit crests (As we call them) you have several options. If you are anywhere near Fort Benning, GA...you can visit any Army-Navy type store (I think it's "Trader Joe's" or something like that near the base). Second, you can surf the Internet to see if you can find a set. Keep an eye on eBay...that's where I have gotten most of mine.

Association Secretary Gary Quint probably has some (He sells them at our reunions)...I would suggest you contact him directly to arrange a sale.
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