gi scribbles found on war ship

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gi scribbles found on war ship

Postby gladys » Mon Apr 26, 2010 6:22 pm

video on
check it out, very interesting
was anyone on the uss general nelson walker

edit: Direct link to video:
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Re: gi scribbles found on war ship

Postby Jim Sheppard » Mon Apr 26, 2010 9:29 pm

Texas Tech has done this very same thing on the ship we travelled over on...the General John Pope. I downloaded all the photos of any graphity involving the 50th Infantry. I'm not sure about the acuracy of the reporting on that news I think it was Texas Tech who first did this and called it "the graphity progect". Does't much matter, except Texas Tech has done HUGE things in documenting the Vietnam war and they should get credit. The link to the photos on our ship is:
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